Sealing Off

After wasting so much time, Lei Zhen and Griselda finally arrived at the infamous Lux Forest.

Unlike the previous time when there weren't many players nearby, the situation seemed to be different now since many players had gathered around in Lux Forest.

"Woah, are they having a night party here?" Griselda was dumbfounded. She didn't expect the usual gloomy Lux Forest to have so many players gathered around.

"This is probably the aftermath of the war in Yors Castle. With the external conflict uprising, there must be many bountiful rewards of missions in Yors Castle." Lei Zhen calmly deduced the situation.

Given that Lux Forest was a low-mid tier region, many players had already reached a high level that doesn't need to be here anymore.

However, the profits and rewards they get nowadays should be enough to entice them to gather here to farm for monsters and clear the obstacles for Yors Castle.