Tie Longkun

As Tie Longkun introduced himself, the most shocked person was naturally Lei Zhen.

Never did he expect his fellow co-worker was actually someone famous.

'What are the coincidences?' Lei Zhen thought, thinking it was too inconceivable.

If Tie Longkun was really famous as Griselda stated, then why the hell would he be working in the Magnolia Convenience Store if he could make a lot of money here.

While Lei Zhen was confused, he received a text message from Griselda, explaining who Tie Swordsman was.

And apparently, he was famous for his fierce attack and damage dealer, but he was extremely poor because he offended a lot of people due to his rash behavior.

No, it would be wrong to call it rash behavior given his personality was always making a move before thinking properly. His poor decision-making led him to lose a lot of money and reputation.

In other words, he was actually infamous for his conduct and playstyle.