
With Omnivision activated, Lei Zhen maintained his state for a few minutes before closing it.

The Omnivision was still too taxing to him and he merely used it as a scouting method.

'Seems like 50 meters from here are empty and no monsters are lurking.' Lei Zhen thought to himself.

Some minutes had passed by since Lei Zhen and the rest entered the swamp region.

And as expected, the swamp was completely different than the environment outside.

The swamp was a dark and foreboding place. The air was heavy with the smell of decay and the ground was soft and spongy beneath the feet.

A thick mist clung to the surface of the water, making it nearly impossible to see more than a few feet ahead.

There were also numerous algae across the muddy water, making the path somewhat difficult to travel.

"Sigh, Magnolia is indeed too realistic. I can feel my shoes wet and filled with dirty water." Griselda pouted slightly.