No Escape!

Once Lei Zhen commanded the imperial guard, he and Griselda returned to Yors Castle in no time.

By the time they returned, they were then summoned by Princess Kate and King Francis Norton.

"Ah, Lei Zhen, you are finally here." Francis Norton smiled brightly the moment he saw Lei Zhen entering the Royal Palace alongside Griselda.

By his side was Princess Kate, who seemed to have matured greatly these days and looked even more beautiful.

"What's the matter?" Lei Zhen asked confusingly.

He hadn't even had the time to commence his plan and was summoned here.

If it wasn't anything urgent, then Lei Zhen wished to leave right now.

"A priest from the Holy Church in the City of Olympus had come after the news of our internal conflict arrived." Francis Norton said.

And he continued, "The Ferold's Ring that you brought in caught the priest's attention as they wished to meet with you."

'A priest huh?' Lei Zhen raised an eyebrow, seemingly surprised by the unexpected guest.