Priest Tauren

When Lei Zhen was dragged out of the room in an embarrassed manner, Gerald and George glanced at each other in a dazed manner.

"What's happening to the chancellor?" Gerald asked curiously.

George shrugged his shoulders.

"It's better to pretend we saw nothing. For someone to drag the chancellor out in such a manner clearly meant she's no ordinary person either."

"You are indeed wise, Minister George. I'll go pick out some elites and complete my task." Gerald said, dismissing himself.

Meanwhile, the whole royal palace was turned into an uproar when they saw the famous chancellor being dragged by a woman.

"Did you see that?"

"Yeah, it was the chancellor. How come he's being dragged by his collar?"

"Who knows, but let's not bother with it. Who knows what their relationship is since the chancellor didn't even ask for help?"

Thus, the maids and patrolling guards turned a blind eye to the situation, much to the displeasure of Lei Zhen.