
Samuel was extremely nervous when he saw his Miss change to a vicious woman.

Every time he sees this change in his Miss, blood will be spilling all over the streets.

Nevertheless, he dared not disobey her orders and nodded his head instantly.

"Rest assured, I'll make sure to put this task the top priority to them," Samuel said, clearly unwilling to become a scapegoat of his Miss' anger.

"Tell them they're fired if they can't find out the events within 3 days," Griselda said coldly.

She was not going to keep incompetent people under her. They are paid a high salary and if they can't earn their keep, then they are disposable.

"Understood, Miss." Samuel wiped off some of the sweat on his forehead and ran back to the flying car. It was clear that he was in a rush to pass down the orders of Griselda to the subordinates.

Once Samuel was gone, Griselda looked around the apartment with an expressionless face.