Zero Fear

Griselda shook her head in disbelief when she saw that signature smirk of Lei Zhen in which you just want to punch his face without reason.

"Anyway, it's good to see you recover in a flash." She said in relief.

Truth be told, she was indeed frightened by the impulsive and irrational behavior of Lei Zhen.

It was almost as if she was interacting with a stranger, one that she does not wish to have contact with.

"Yea, I'm sorry for my rash behavior. I promise it won't happen again." Lei Zhen apologized.

He meant to get drunk at his apartment to not create trouble for anyone, but couldn't control his urge to not get intoxicated throughout his walk.

Though after this lesson, he wouldn't dare to touch alcohol again considering his lack of tolerance for it.

Just one small beer can was able to make him go out of control and almost cause a huge mess.

"Tsk, at least you know how to man up and apologize." Griselda clicked her tongue and crossed her arms.