
When the flag of Yors Castle was lifted at Caprice, the bystanders started to doubt a country from the Eastern side would suddenly want to invade them.

Not to mention, there had been trading conducted every month with Yors Castle.

Hence, the possibility of Charter claiming that they are being invaded seemed highly suspicious now.

'What an unexpected move from him?' Charter clenched his fist angrily. He had heard the gunshot previously and knew it was the firearms that his dumb little brother was trying to sell off.

Thus, it meant his intention was long realized by Lei Zhen but he didn't react in any manner which caused his guard to be lowered.

And now this was the price of his action.

The Yors Castle flag was raised high up, and it was even inlaid with the golden words symbol, which meant that the ship belonged to royalties.

It was a flag that would be impossible to replicate or steal since that would be made news to their side already.