
Riding in the carriage for quite some time, Lei Zhen was getting bored.

It just didn't feel right for him to be in a carriage when a whole steampunk theme style was surrounding him.

To him, it kind of felt out of place.

"Can't we switch to a modernized car or something?" Lei Zhen asked as he noticed numerous vehicles zooming past them, almost as if they were a snail on a racing track.

The feeling of being out of place was more evident as they ventured further into the city.

Without even needing to be told, Lei Zhen could feel the eyes staring at their carriage, almost as if they were foreigners entering their city even though it was most likely true.

To get rid of this discomfort feeling, Lei Zhen decided to open his map, only to see the details slowly being released.

Apparently, the city was called Cinderton and was quite the populated city considering it had numerous pathways to other roads.