Unfinished Business

When Samantha entered the backstage room, she noticed Jessica and Bella fainted by the wall.

And her entry subsequently shocked the other people that were in the room as well.

The people included Gordon Jack and two elderly men whom she had recognized previously.

The two elderly men were the somewhat impolite ones that had previously tried to request her to be in their movie compared to the other directors that were more polite and etiquette.

Lei Zhen might have a keen eye when detecting scumbags, but his keen eyes couldn't be compared to hers who had many years of experience when dealing with people.

"A male lead actor, right? More like a scumbag to society is a better term for you, Mister Gordon Jack." Samantha said elegantly, though one could discern that she was taunting him.

Gordon Jack wasn't offended as he held a snarky smirk on his face. "Well well well, look who we have here. The beautiful doctor in the backstage room. Are you sure you are in the right place?"