
Jessica was thoroughly confused when Samantha said that she had unfinished business in the backstage room.

"Do you know what Doctor Samantha means?" She turned her head to Bella and asked her.

Bella shook her head in response.

She was not a psychic, so it was impossible for her to understand her meanings. Though she had some ideas on her mind that mostly had to do with those men that drugged them.

Since Jessica wasn't that bright at knowing these types of vile things, Bella didn't have any intention of informing her either.

Samantha didn't say anything either, but she was grateful for her rescue and kept this to heart.

While Jessica remained confused and Bella kept silent about the matter, Samantha calmly returned to the backstage room.

Gordon Jack and the two directors were still paralyzed from the drug she gave them.

They might not know when they were drugged, but the moment she had entered the room earlier, she had released a scent that was equipped on her bracelet.