Please Don’t Judge Them

Lei Zhen crossed his arms and took a few steps back. He was clearly afraid of Samantha doing the same thing to him as Gordon Jack.

And Lei Zhen would be damned if he wanted to risk his life when he heard the screaming noise that was loud enough to even penetrate the soundproof walls.

Meanwhile, Samantha nodded her head and smiled at him.

"See, don't think of me as some weak woman, and beware of me." She walked forward and patted him on the back.

"Let's go, we should attract some reporters to see a feisty scene that the world should enjoy." She added, clearly not willing to put the matter to rest in such a manner.

Insulting her and degrading her was something Samantha would not allow others to do considering her reputation. She was famous in the medical world and even the wealthiest people in the world had to bow to her for her medical skills.

How dare some trash-bag actors and directors attempt to violate her!