
Lei Zhen was smiling nervously when Samantha was staring at him to take a few sips.

Luckily, with his clever brain working fast, he came up with a great and logical excuse to avoid drinking.

"Doctor Samantha, I would obviously love to drink with you, but I'm your driver today. I can't drive drunk in the street, much less drive in the air." Lei Zhen said, showing a regretful expression.

Just when Lei Zhen thought he had successfully checkmated her, Samantha flashed an evil smirk.

"Yeah, I'm sorry as well because you clearly forgot my occupation. I can easily make one drunk or sober whenever I want, so your excuse is voided." She said, giggling at his reaction.

"Now hurry up and drink before the movie begins."

Without a choice, Lei Zhen glanced at his winecup before drinking it reluctantly. As the red wine glazed his tongue, he could feel the elements she was referring to and consumed its alcohol content.

"How was it?" Samantha asked.