**The ending and the beginning**

Endings are not always bad. Most times they're just beginnings in disguise. - Kim Harrison


Aviona Liliene,

They say to face death is your biggest fear in life but when I did face it suddenly everything changed and eventually I live again to face death again.

I clearly remember my past until now, how I die and how I have begun this life.

The moon goddess gave me a chance to have this life after I die and what I don't understand is why me?

My life before is just too simple, boring, and happy sometimes it may have been a hardship but then I conquer it with my family and my lover with me until she passes away and leave me alone.

I may have no relationship after her because I believe that she is the only one that was destined for me before and maybe in this life too.

I will find her no matter what that is the promise I made to myself.

My ending in my past life could be so peaceful and I will say that I live happy in that past life.

So why choose me to have this life again? Why me? Why not someone else?

My lady are you in there? Said safira my chambermaid but I don't want to call her maid because she is my friend she was with me since I was a child and I chose her to be with me because she is the only one that understands me because she is the same as me, she also has no mate. And for decades she was loyal to me and I admire her because of her loyalty to me. She was my best friend and sister not by blood and she is also my mentor that is why I treasure her.

Yes! What do you need Safira? I ask her through my closed door.

I know she will hear me because of our enhance hearing ability, we're also fast, because of our enhanced speed and we can see from afar especially at the night to hunt for food.

What I mean by food is blood. But we never crave human blood that was bad for us. It will turn us into rouge if we do that.

That is our only rule, the vampire golden rule.

My lady the councils are already in the meeting hall and you are the only one that they're waiting for. I'm sorry to interrupt your resting time my lady but they need you there immediately my lady. What do they need me for, if it was the council then it has something to do with my parents.

It's okay Safira I will be there in a second. I said to her then I snap my fingers.

In just a snap I'm in this hall already in front of the council.

Welcome my lady. They greeted me.

Please be seated. I commanded them.

So what is the agenda that you will discuss with me that they are all gathered here today? And why me that you want to be here? My king and queen? I curtesy to my parents to show my respect to them but after, I take my seat and heed no attention to the rest of them.

It just it's I don't respect them because of what they did to me long years ago.

My lady.... One of them acknowledged to me that maybe he is a new member of this council.

Oh! Don't tell me that it was about my mate and my position here because if it was then I'm out of here! I frankly said to them and then stand up from my seat.

No, my lady, don't go! Said the member.

It is an important matter that you should hear my dear liliene. My mother speaks

Mother speaks this all about? If it was about my mate then I shouldn't hear it. I said to my mother.

Aviona Liliene just listen to us even just for a moment. My father commanded and I have to oblige him because he is still my king.

Father, you know by now that I still believe that my mate is gonna come even if I wait for more than a decade more I wouldn't mind, I just believe that I still have a mate waiting for me somewhere. I said to him still fighting for my rights and my mate.

How could you wait liliene it's been a hundred years and you are still alone we couldn't stand seeing you like this we're hurt also to know that you're not... My mother couldn't continue what she was about to say because I cut her.

Stop it mother I know what you implying just let you I said to her

My lady the king and queen just want the best for you so we, the council decided that we will choose for your future husband. Said the head of the Santillan Clan and the head of my father's council.

No, can't do this to me. I will decide for myself so just let me be. I strongly disagree with them I just snap my fingers to disappear in front of them.

They can't do this to me, No! Never! I will never let them manipulate my life.

And from this moment on I will find my destiny, my mate, and my own life.

My life, my rule and they can't do anything about it.

My life that was ended before and my life now that I will begin is in my own hands now.

I was no longer a human, and because of that to find my mate I need to go back to my, old life in the past to know what happen to her now.

To live as a human or to live as a vampire princess is now in my hands to decide what to choose.