**Who are you? **

"There are no accidental meetings between souls." — Sheila Burke


Aviona Liliene,

This day is so exhausting, so I go straight to my room undress all my heavy dress, and succumb to a warm bath.

I just fell asleep for a while when I smell something good and relaxing,

That's when I realize that safira was here a while ago and lit me a scented candle that I like, she also prepare what I needed here.

When I feel that I was still drowsy then I let myself succumb to eternal darkness.

It was so peaceful here until I saw a light coming from somewhere.

So I followed it and it bring me to a place I have never been,

And in there I was a beautiful woman who is staring at me with admiration,

I came close to her as I was mesmerized by her beauty.

But then she turn around and was about to leave so I just run fast to her and grab her arm.

"Who are you?" I ask but then she just stared at me and pulled my hand from her arm and run.

But that doesn't mean that I didn't see the hurt and pain in her eyes.

And it made me sad and hurt too.

Then all of a sudden I woke up and feel like I was crying but I don't know why then I suddenly feel like my hand, hold her for real.

Why do I feel like this? Why do I feel like she is part of me? I don't know how it happens but I feel like my heart is longing for her. I said to myself and hold my heart to feel it beating so fast.

So I get up from my tub and put my robe on and fix myself to lay on my bed, I usually go to bed with my nighties only.

As I finish fixing my hair, I lay on my bed and was about to sleep a thought came to me.

What if she is my mate does this mean she was here all along and never in the mortal world? Then why now? Why not before? But she doesn't look like a vampire to me, she is more like a mutt, a wolf.

Oh my God does this mean that my mate is a wolf? How did it happen? Why?

I feel like my brain is going to explode, so I decided to sleep so that I can ask safira tomorrow about my mate.

I know she knows the answer to all of my questions.

And so that is why I tried hard to fall asleep but why can't I? Haist!

Well, we do fall asleep because we are still pureblooded royalty and we still have the liberty to feel everything we needed to feel like sleeping, getting hungry, feeling in love, being sad, worried, and mad.

So yeah! Even creatures like us have that privilege from the moon goddess itself.

We are not like the Rouge whose heart is dead. Well for us it's still beating, fast, wild, and loud just like why I'm feeling right now.

I just don't know what time did I sleep last night, all I know is that when the ray of the sun hit my face I woke up.

Safira closed that curtain and let me sleep for a while. I said to safira who is standing near my window curtain.

My princess you know I can't let you do that now. Safira said that left a frown on my face. Is she defying me now?

And why is that safira are you defying my command now? I question her.

It's not like that my princess...

Then why? I shout as I cut her off to what about excuse she would say to me.

The king and the council are waiting for you at the hall with your potential partners my princess. She politely said and bow her head.

What the heck. Is it too sudden? Yes, I agreed to their plan but not at this time Argh... I'm still regaining my strength and power because I still feel drained this past few weeks of training. I complain to safira.

My princess, I know that it is hard for you also but please think of the future of our kingdom and the queen don't let her see how weak you are now, she might get worried, you know very well that she is sick and weak. Safira said while pulling me out of my bed and fixing it after I stand.

I know that too well safira but I still can help it. I still long for my mate and I'm on my limit and was about to die 20 to 30 years from now. I sadly said to her.

Don't say that my princess do not think that way you will get through with it. As she pushes me towards my bathroom.

Ahmm! can I ask something safira do you know where my mate is? Do you know what creature is she? I ask her randomly.

I know you are curious about your mate but to make you at ease, yes she is here, that is why I disapproved when you say that you will find her in the mortal world. And what kind of creature is she is I don't know. All I know is she is here. She said.

I did not respond to what she said I just soak my whole body inside my bathtub.

When I finished taking a bath she helped me put on my best gown with a super tight corset to show my curves and clev***e.

She also does my make-up and hair.

And when we're done we immediately go out because the guard has annoyingly pressed the bell in my room.

When they escort us to the receiving hall where my father and councils were.

I plastered a sad face in front of them to let them know that I dislike this idea so much.

And when the king approaches me, I know this is the day when my life turns upside down.

Hope I will find her sooner to make this madness stop.