The Anderson Brothers

Left with no other choice, Emma agreed. “Fine, I’ll do it but you have to pay me double.”


“Yes, because I am sacrificing my lovely and exciting weekend for this.”

“Alright.” The manager sighed. “Make sure everything goes well. I am leaving this in your hand.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll handle everything in the best possible way,” she said in a very assuring tone.

“I have never doubted your skills or how you do your job but I would like to remind you again,” he added. “Don’t do anything that will piss the Anderson brothers and any of their guests. Believe me, that is the last and worst thing that we want.”

She raised her brows. “Do you want my assurance in writing?”

When the manager walked away without saying anything, Emma took out her phone to message her roommate about her unexpected overtime before getting back to work.


[A Couple of Hours Later, Outside Trinity Club]

“This is so exciting, I can’t believe they are coming here and we will be attending them.” Joana, one of the waitresses beamed in excitement.

“I know, right? It still feels like a dream,” another waitress added.

Arranging the drinks and glasses that would be served to the most-awaited guests, Emma sighed. “Easy girls, don’t get too excited.”

“Are you kidding me?” one of them scoffed. “The most handsome men are coming here and we are going to serve them. How can we not be excited?”

Joana nodded and added, “The two gorgeous and hot faces of fashionista magazine are coming here and you expect us not to be excited—”

“And horny?”

“Exactly!” both of them exclaimed.

Concentrating on making arrangements again, Emma continued, “I am excited too but we also shouldn’t forget that they are VIPs of this club. We can’t afford to mess things up.” The manager who had been repeatedly telling them, especially Emma to be careful would definitely kill them if anything went wrong.

Nodding her head in agreement, Joana sighed, “Yeah, you are right. The manager will kill us if something goes wrong.”

“Of course he will—” Passing her the tray, Emma added, “Now why don’t you both start setting the table, they will be here any minute now.”


[45 Minutes Later]

“All you had to do is find a perfect place where we could chill—”

Cutting his brother off, Daniel Anderson refuted, “This is a perfect place to chill.”

“Seriously? Out of all the grand places you could book to celebrate your only brother’s birthday, you landed on this?” Looking at the entrance of the club, Owen Anderson frowned. “Have we ever been here?”

“We haven’t and that's why we are here.” Without waiting for his reply, Daniel added, “What is the point of going to the same place again and again? We need some change—”

“What? Change?” Dramatically placing his hand on his chest, Owen gasped. “Oh my God, did I finally manage to activate your fun genes?” Hooking his arms around his brother’s shoulder, he added, “Or maybe this is just an influence of my constant company.”

Daniel and Owen Anderson were brothers and also the present heirs and leaders of Anderson Enterprise, one of the top ten international companies in the world.

The older brother, Owen Anderson, was well known not only for his family and professional background but also for his charismatic looks and sociable nature.

Unlike his older brother, Daniel Anderson was an introvert. He disregarded socializing with people and considered it as a waste of time and energy. He believed that actions speak louder than words.

Though the two brothers were extremely different in terms of personality and character, they made the best pair. While Daniel took care of the files and handled the internal affairs of the office, Owen mostly handled the external affairs.

While most of the aristocratic families often fought over power, the Anderson brothers were different. The close relationship the two siblings shared always kept them united. They worked alongside with equal amounts of respect, trust, and love for each other, which made their relationship even stronger.

This unique strong relationship made them shine and stand out in the crowd, making it difficult for people to drag them down.

Their relationship also turned out to be very beneficial for the company, Anderson Enterprise, which flourished and showed tremendous improvement under their hands. This also made many eyes jealous and unhappy.

“Fine, let's go back—” he pretending to turn around and leave.

Tightening his arms around Daniel’s shoulder, Owen chuckled. “Look at you being grumpy again.”

Brian Miller, Daniel’s best friend, who had been observing the two brothers all along, couldn't help but sigh. “You two really need to take a break from each other.”

Looking at Owen, he remarked, “You are the one who always complains about how Daniel doesn’t like changing stuff—like going to the same bar over and over again, ordering the same drink. And now when he is finally willing to change something, why are you complaining?”

Hooking his other arm around Brian’s shoulder, Owen scoffed, “Who said I was complaining? I seriously don’t care where we drink and what we do, as long as I can spend my birthday with my brothers, I am more than happy. So let’s go inside and get drunk until we can’t recognize ourselves.”


[Inside the Club]

Looking around, Owen stated, "Okay, this place is kinda nice."

Just then the manager rushed towards them. “Mr. Anderson, it’s a pleasure to have you here.” He greeted the two brothers before turning towards Brian. “It’s a pleasure to have you too, Mr. Miller.”

“It’s a pleasure to be here as well.” Patting Daniel’s shoulder, Owen added, “Since my brother chose this place, I am sure that we will have a nice time here.”

“Of course—Of course.” Guiding them towards the private room which had been reserved for them, the manager said, “Please, this way.”

Without saying anything, the three men followed the manager.


“They are here—” One of the waitresses beamed before fixing her hair.

“Did you see them? Are they really as gorgeous as the magazines claim?” another one excitedly inquired.

Placing her hand on her chest, she sighed in satisfaction. “They are so hot.”

"Oh my God, I wanna see them too—" she squealed before peeking through the door.
