
Emma, who had been silently overhearing the conversation between the other waitresses who were all ready to drop their underpants, helplessly shook her head. She never understood why some women acted so weird and childish at the sight of a few good-looking men.

“I like the younger one. I think he is hotter.”

“I think the older one is hotter.”

“Can you debate over which one is hotter after we are done serving our guests?” Gesturing them to arrange the tray, Emma added, “Control your excitement before you mess up.”

Without waiting for their reply, she started walking towards the room along with the drinks trolley which had a bottle of the finest champagne and other drinks.


[Inside the Private Room]

As soon as Emma entered the room, she bumped into the manager.

“There you are, I was looking for you.” Without waiting for her reply, the manager turned toward the guests. “Gentlemen, she is one of our best employees, Emma Parker. She will be taking care of you tonight.”

As the manager was introducing her to the guests, Emma was lost in her own thoughts. The sight of the three men, especially the Anderson brothers, made her spine tingle.

Though she had seen them in multiple magazines before, those photographs surely did not do any justice to their handsome faces. They were much more gorgeous and handsome in person. Now she understood why the waitresses were head over heels for them and kept passing horny comments.

From their sharp facial features to their physique, the two brothers were one hundred percent on par with each other. They were equally handsome and surely possessed the power to make any woman fall for them without even lifting their pinkies.

As she was busy drooling over the two gorgeous men, a tap on her shoulder brought her back to reality.

“Emma, your phone—” the manager whispered.

“I—” Much to Emma’s surprise, her cell phone was ringing out loud and her ringtone ‘Baby Shark’ echoed throughout the room.

“I am so sorry—” Quickly fishing out her phone from her pocket, she was about to reject the call when one of the guests’ stopped her.

“You should take it. What if it’s something important?” Owen remarked.

“Y—Yes, you should take it,” the manager added before gesturing for Emma to step outside.

“Thank you, I’ll be back in a minute,” Emma said before walking out of the room.

“Ms. Parker—”

Stopping midway, she turned around and responded, “Yes?”

“Nice ringtone,” Owen commented.

Giving him an embarrassed smile, Emma rushed outside.


[Another Room]

Leaning against the wall, Emma placed her palm on her cheeks, which were burning in embarrassment.

Slapping her forehead, she cursed herself for being such an embarrassment.

Just then her phone started ringing again.

Looking at the caller ID, she quickly answered it. “Seriously, Anna, you couldn’t wait for fifteen more minutes to call me?”

“Woah—you do remember that you are supposed to answer a phone call with a hello, right?” Anna, her roommate, remarked.

“Forget that, you won’t believe what I just witnessed,” Emma exclaimed.

“What?” Without waiting for her reply, Anna added, “Did Cole Sprouse finally drop by?”

Groaning in satisfaction, Emma remarked, “Oh it’s even better—do you know the Anderson brothers?”

“Owen and Daniel Anderson? Oh, come on, who doesn’t know them.”

“They are here in our club and I saw them with my own eyes,” Emma stated, earning an excited squeal from her best friend.

“Oh my God, are you serious?”

“I swear on my favorite boots—” Squatting on the ground, she groaned. “My eyes have never seen anything so pretty and sexy at the same time. They are so gorgeous and—”

“You saw both the brothers together and you are still alive to narrate the tale? Girl, you have a very strong uterus.”

“Anna, I am not joking. I could feel my eyes melt—they were sitting right in front of me and all I could do was stare,” Emma stated.

“Quick tell me, who is more handsome of the two?” Anna excitedly asked.

Placing her hand on her chest, she sighed. “I think I have a crush on both of them.”

Just then someone knocked at the door. “Emma, are you in there? Boss is looking for you.”

“Oh shoot—An, I have to go now. I might be late so don’t wait for me. I’ll see you later.” Without waiting for her reply, she hung up the call before rushing out of the room.


[Inside the Private Room]

After Emma left, the manager also excused himself, giving the men some privacy.

“Emma Parker is a good name,” Owen remarked.

Nodding his head, Daniel asked, “Wasn’t that the famous baby song? What was the name—” Thinking for a while, he snapped his finger. “Baby Shark.”

“Looks like you both have eyes on the same baby song,” Brian commented.

Taking off his jacket, Owen said, “She doesn’t seem like my type—”

“Same,” Daniel added.

“Well, then I guess the road is clear for me—”

Cutting him off, Daniel stated, “She isn’t your type either.”

“I agree with Dan. She isn’t our type, but that’s what makes her even more interesting.”


Looking at Emma’s unusual red face, Joana asked, “Are you okay? You seem a little—red?”

“I am fine, I just need a minute.” Closing her eyes, Emma tried to calm herself down. She had no idea why she was feeling so flustered.

‘C’mon Emma, all you have to do is be professional and give your best tonight. Don’t let their handsome faces bother you,’ she told herself before walking inside the room with a smile on her lips.



Placing the champagne bottle on the table, Emma said, “This is from the house.” She then gestured to the other waitresses to arrange the table.

“Are we expecting anyone else?” she asked.

“No, it’s just the three of us,” Daniel responded.

When Joana placed the menu on the table, Owen remarked, “Why don’t you take the food menu away and get us some snacks.” Picking the drinks menu, he added, “We have plans of getting drunk first.”
