
Looking at the menu, Owen chuckled. “This is interesting.” Passing the menu to Daniel, he added, “I think you found us a new drinking place.”

Keeping the menu on the table, Daniel pointed toward the cocktail section and asked, “What kind of a drink is Drunken Pilot?”

“It’s a rum and gin cocktail with some freshly squeezed lemon and salt,” Emma quickly answered.

“And what's Dances with Wenches?” Brian asked.

“It’s a bright pink drink with the combination of Blackbeard’s spiced rum and cranberry juice.”


“It’s a customized tropical drink. You just need to tell us what you want in there, and we will prepare it for you.”

“Interesting—” Owen exclaimed. “You seem to be very familiar with the menu.”

“I am a bartender here,” Emma answered.

Closing the menu, Daniel handed it back to her. “Then I don’t see the need for us to go through this. Since you know what is in there, why don’t you bless us with one of your best drinks?”

“Sure.” Without wasting any more time, Emma started preparing drinks for the three of them.


[Five Minutes Later]

Taking a sip of the drink Emma had presented him, Owen asked, “What is this called?”

“We call it the Juicy-Lucy. It's a combination of vodka, gin, white rum, Blue Curacao liqueur, orange juice, and sprite,” Emma answered while preparing the same drink for Daniel and Brian.

“Juicy-Lucy.” Daniel chuckled. “That's an interesting name.”

“All our cocktails are uniquely named.”

Looking at the menu again, Owen chortled. “Hop, Skip, and Go Naked—”

“Uh-huh, you gotta try that as well,” Emma remarked.

“Of course we will.”


After serving them all their famous and best cocktails, Emma asked, “Should I get the food or—”

“Oh no, not yet.” Gulping down his drink, Brian added, “The party has just begun.”

Looking at the empty glasses which covered almost the entire table, she said, “Alright then, I’ll clear the table and—”

Cutting her off, Daniel suggested, “Why don’t you ask someone else to clear the table and you join us for a few drinks.”

“Who? Me?” Emma widened her eyes in shock.

“Of course, you made such lovely drinks for us. Let us buy you a drink,” Owen remarked.

Hesitating for a while, Emma tried to politely turn them down. “Actually, I am still working—” Knowing they were the VIPs of the club, it would be inappropriate of her to sit and drink with them.

Just then the manager entered the room.

“Mr. Anderson, I hope you all are comfortable and enjoying our service,” the manager greeted.

“We are. Ms. Parker served us some of your best cocktails, and I must say, they are very impressive,” Owen answered.

“Of course, Emma can never go wrong with our drinks.”

“If you and Ms. Parker don’t mind, we would like to buy her a drink and would love it if she joins us for the rest of the evening.”

“That is so generous of you. I am sure Emma doesn’t have a problem being a part of your lovely celebration,” the manager exclaimed.

Looking at the manager, Emma said, “But I am still working and—”

Cutting her off, the manager interjected, “It’s alright, why don’t you join our guests and I’ll ask someone else to take over.”

Sensing Emma’s hesitation, Daniel assured her, “Don’t worry, we won’t get you drunk.”

Gesturing her to take a seat, the manager chuckled. “Oh, I don’t think you have to worry about that. Our bartender here has a very high alcohol tolerance. She can chug down bottles of alcohol and still manage to stay normal.”

Placing the empty glasses on the tray, Emma placed them on the cart. “I’ll keep them outside.”

“Sure, take your time.”



“Emma, what are you doing?” the manager frowned.

“What am I doing?” Folding her arms in the front, Emma snapped. “What the hell are you doing? You made me sound like some hardcore alcoholic in there. Do you have any idea how embarrassing that was?”

Placing his hand on her shoulder, the manager tried to calm her down. “Okay, I may have gone a little overboard, but you do have a very nice alcohol tolerance and besides, it’s just a few drinks. All you have to do is accompany them and enjoy the free drinks.”

“I don’t know. This doesn’t seem like a good idea.” She sighed. Though free drinks with such eye candies would be exciting, but, for some odd reason, she was not having a good feeling about it.

“Everything is a good idea. Just have a few drinks with them, and I'll give you a bonus.” Without waiting for her reply, he added, “Free drinks and a nice bonus, how can you say no to that?”

“Fine.” She sighed.

“Great! You go inside, and I’ll ask Joana to bring the shot glasses and a few bottles of tequila and vodka.”



When Emma entered the room, Owen remarked, “You came at the right time. Brian is telling us about the drinking game he wants to play.”

“It’s nothing fancy, just a simple game in which we divide ourselves into two teams and compete.” Shifting to the side, Brian patted the empty space beside him. “Ms. Parker, please join me, you and I are a team.”

“Please call me Emma.” Sitting beside him, she added, “Ms. Parker sounds very weird.”

“Wait, when did we decide on teams?” Daniel asked.

“Oh please,” Brian scoffed. “You know, Emma, when we go out it's just the three of us and whenever we play some game, these two make their own team and overpower me as I am always alone. But today, you both stand no chance because I have Emma on my side, and we both are gonna make sure that you lose.”

“Don’t worry about us losing.” Looking at Daniel, Owen added, “My brother and I have a very high alcohol tolerance individually and combined.”

“Huh, I can also say the same about our team. Right, Emma?” Brian asked.

“Well, I do have a good alcohol tolerance,” she remarked.

Rolling his sleeves, Owen smirked. “We will see about that.”
