The Scandal

Daniel buckled his seat belt and started the car. “Where do you want to go?”

After discussing a few things, Owen and Daniel left the safe house. Damon stayed behind as he had some business to attend to.

“I don’t know, maybe to a bar or something.” Owen pinched the space between his brows and sighed. “I need a drink.”

“You just had one.” He was stressed over the issue they were currently stuck with involving Yuri, and so was Daniel. “I am not taking you to a bar at this time. Let’s go somewhere else.”

Before Owen could retort, a phone call interrupted him.

Daniel took out his phone. “Just a second.” When he saw who it was, he quickly answered the call.

“Daniel, are you busy?”

Daniel looked at Owen and answered, “Not really. What is it?”

“Give me the phone.” Daniel frowned when he heard a man’s voice. “Dan, we have a problem.”

“Brian? You are still there?” He was sleeping when Daniel left Emma’s house.