Fear of Disappointment

“Is he inside?” Damon nodded. “Alright, give me a minute.” Owen tightened his grip on the steering wheel as he looked at the safe house where Damon had locked up the man they had been looking for years.

Damon patted his shoulder and then Daniel’s. “You two take your time. I’ll wait for you inside.” He stepped out of the car giving the brothers some privacy. He understood how overwhelming the entire situation was for the two of them.

“Dan—” Owen looked at him. “What if Yuri isn’t the man we should be looking for? What if he has nothing to do with dad’s death?”

Daniel frowned. “Owen, what are you trying to say?”

“I mean, what if we have wasted our time looking for the wrong person?” Owen pursed his lips and frowned.

Finding Yuri, their father’s chauffeur and the only person with him when his car had an accident, was the most significant breakthrough in their investigation.