My Memories of You

When the door closed behind Nicholai, Darius's laugh echoed in its full glory. They just finished lulling all the kids to sleep, so it was time for them to be talking privately in Nicholai's room. However, Nicholai only shook his head with a smile as Darius showed his ridiculing laugh.

Darius reached out to pat the mate's shoulder. "I feel so bad for you, man. Your friends have loose screws, for real."

"That's mainly Ansel alone, but I will take it. Julian has his own moments." Nicholai couldn't deny that his choice of company growing up was not the most decent, but they were his sworn brothers. Then again, if Darius knew how crazy Nicholai was, he wouldn't question the Alpha's friends.

"Ah, you guys are really birds of the same feather, even if you're wolves." Mindlessly following Nicholai, Darius reined his laugh when he found himself in the bathroom.