Part of His Harem Court

In the end, Enzo, Darius, and Nicholai decided to leave the morning after. There were a lot of things that Darius didn't understand, but neither Artemis nor Aldous spoke to him again. Cara was in the care of their Infirmary, but the damage to her body and psyche was too deep to heal in a short time. For now, Luxe had to stand as the leading Alpha while the Shadow King was asleep.

On the plane, Darius sat nearby a window. He was looking out in the snowfields with the stark sunlight showing him the sea of white that didn't seem to melt away under the sun. However, even if they did, he wouldn't notice… as his mind was floating inwardly.

His soul was bound by magic to be concealed from the eyes of the Kings. It was even so powerful that it could have been someone like Solar who cast it… the Mirage Queen hid the child of his mother, someone who used to be in the service of a castle's kitchen.