Admire the Big Gift

"Daddy!" Dylan was the first one to greet Darius as soon as the dark-blue Maserati came back to their Estate. Since it was Nicholai driving by then, Darius was free to get out as soon as possible to hug the middle child that even swam in the air to get to them first. Megan and the rest followed him, Sancho and Blake bowing down at the arrival of the masters.

"Is everything in order?" Nicholai went to Julian first and spoke to him about the Estate while they were gone. Adrian greeted him, and the uncle ruffled his hair.

As for Enzo, he carried Megan and Vivienne in his arms each. He then flashed a grin. "Hey, hey, Darius, Father has a gift for Vivienne, right? Let's see it, let's see it!"

Darius laughed as he only led them all to the waiting room. He sat down with Dylan on the single couch, while Enzo brought the girls down on the long one, soon sitting in between them. Adrian joined Megan's side, with Nicholai taking the other single couch.