I want you to be my man

At the police station, Qi Yan furiously stormed out of the chief's office, frustration etched on his face.

Seeing his expression, his teammates who were secretly hanging by the door to eavesdrop immediately scurried to their seats,

"Team leader, are you really going to let him do this?!" Gu Jinyan who had quickly pretended to have fallen asleep on hearing the loud slam of the Chief's door sighed. Slowly peeling his eyes open and propping himself up.

"Qi Yan, I know you are angry, we are too, isn't that right guys?" Gu Jinyan said, immediately signaling to the others, who nodded frantically in agreement.

"But, I-l think going on a special outdoor duty is not that bad."

"Special duty my foot, he's just sending me to be that Feng Tian's toy because he doesn't want me to continue investigating." Qi Yan yelled, his outburst prompting Zhou Yishan to dramatically slam his hand on the table and pull himself to his feet

"Hey! What do you mean by that? Are you saying our dearest chief is trying to stop you from investigating a case, don't go out saying stuff like that, it's bad for the police force's reputation." Zhou Yishan chided, earning himself a whack on the head from Yuxi,

"Besides, I heard that Feng Tian is a real beauty, which means you get to relax and also enjoy some time with a real beauty, I mean aren't you tired of seeing Yuxi's unattractive face?" Zhou Yishan added, barely managing to dodge Yuxi's incoming attack on his head again.

Unaware of what was happening, Gu Jinyan continued, "Qi Yan, I'm not clear about what's going on, but this outdoor assignment may not be so bad. It's just for a limited time anyway and if you don't like it, you can just come back to the team, we are not going anywhere."

Realizing that his team members were of no help, Qi Yan sighed before grabbing his notepad and pen and proceeded to exit the station,

"Hey, where are you going?" Gu Jinyan called out after him,

"Out!" Qi Yan replied before slamming the door.

"By the way, what does this Feng Tian want with mad dog, I heard she requested him personally, who is she anyway?" Zhai Liang who had been sitting in silence asked,

"Did you just ask who Feng Tian is, Zhai Liang, you are still clueless as ever, but don't worry I'm here, Xiaorui, hit him." Zhou Yishan said,

"You have the right person for the job because the moment Feng Tian showed her face, she became my goddess," Xiaorui said before pulling out his phone to show Zhai Liang a picture of Feng Tian,

"When we are talking about those kinds of ladies that put girls like our darling Yuxi to shame, Feng Tian is number one, in terms of everything literally."

"Ey, no way, why did I bother talking to you, you exaggerate too much," Zhai Liang muttered, immediately turning his face away from the phone.

"I'm serious, nobody knows where she came from that's why she's the perfect description of Cinderella, she suddenly became the adopted daughter of one of the richest men in our century after the death of his daughter and on top of that, she was appointed as the CEO."

"And… you know that merger, the one the other teams were talking about at the diner last time, guess who won that, Royals, and under whose leadership?" Zhou Yishan said, too engrossed in the gossip, he didn't even notice when Zhai Liang and Xiaorui stood up,

"F-Feng, F-Feng Tian," Xiaorui muttered, his mouth hanging in shock as Feng Tian and Li Wei stepped into the station.

"Of course, it's Feng Tian." Zhou Yishan who was still not aware of the situation replied.

"S-she's here," Zhai Liang muttered, quickly moving towards the confused Zhou Yishan to turn his head towards the entrance. But before Zhou Yishan could properly react, the police chief rush past them to welcome Feng Tian who smiled at the two guys whose facial expressions clearly showed they knew who she was,

"M-miss Feng Tian, I'm Xiaorui, your top fan," Xiaorui sheepishly said, immediately, the chief gave Xiaorui and Zhou Yishan a warning look before pointing towards his office direction.

"This way, Miss Feng."

"No need for that," Feng Tian replied as she slowly made her way toward Qi Yan's desk and proceeded to make herself comfortable on his chair.

"May I ask what brings Miss Feng to our station?" Gu Jinyan asked,

"Well, I was informed of Detective Qi's visit this morning, so I decided to pay him a visit personally."

"Well, he's not here," Yuxi replied, not sure about what was going on, Qi Yan who had been standing behind Xiaorui unaware of the unfolding drama continued to stare in confusion at the back view of the woman sitting on his chair,

"What's going on, do we have a guest?" he quietly asked Zhai Liang who stared back at him in shock. The chief on noticing his presence immediately beckoned him over,

Qi Yan felt his breath hitched as his eyes landed on the dazzling beauty in front of him, for some reason unknown to him, he felt that she was familiar.

"What case are you here for?" Qi Yan asked. Immediately removing his gaze,

"W-what do you mean by case?!" the chief yelled, "This is…"

Thinking she was one of the chief's exclusive partners, Qi Yan quickly apologized,

"My apologies, but this is my seat." Immediately, she stood up and lightly giggled as she watched him take his seat, without paying any more attention to them. Wondering why she was giggling, Qi Yan looked up, and only then did realization dawn on him as he noticed the man standing beside her, immediately, he began to feel heat crawl up his neck, he couldn't deny the fact that Feng Tian was truly a real beauty and somehow even he found her charm extremely irresistible.

"I wonder why Miss Feng Tian is here. I'm pretty sure I had made myself clear to your assistant this morning, that I'm not suitable for the job." Qi Yan said, immediately turning his eyes away from her.

"If you are here to…"

"I'm not here for anything like that, it's your choice to accept, but I think me requesting help from the police was the right thing to do, but if detective Qi thinks otherwise, then I'm afraid there is nothing I can do about it."

"Then why is Miss Feng here?" Qi Yan asked as he slowly lifted his head to face her.

"Since you refused my first offer, I have a new proposition for you?"

Holding his gaze, Feng Tian stood, taking each step slowly towards him before proceeding to lean on the table in front of him, and never in hell had he or anybody else in the room expect what she said next.

"I. Want. You. To. Be. My. Man."

Qi Yan clenched his jaw as he stared at the woman in front of him in silence, finding it difficult to utter a word as he slowly began to feel heat crawl up the back of his neck.

"Look here, you shouldn't be doing this in a police station!" Yuxi uttered, immediately snapping the others out of the trance they had unconsciously fallen into.

"Looks like I have a rival already," Feng Tian whispered to Qi yan and smiled; briefly turning to take a look at the owner of the voice before straightening up.

"I'm sorry, Miss Feng. I didn't teach my subordinate well." Gu Jinyan apologized, immediately stepping forward,

"It's alright, I like the fact that our dear Qi Yan has a vigorous and sharp teammate like Detective Qiao by his side."

Feng Tian smiled as she slowly moved to stand in front of the female detective before turning to bide the others farewell;

"Come on, Li Wei, we have a meeting to attend to."