The vixen's revenge

The rest of the week quickly pass by with Feng Tian jumping from meetings to conferences, interviews, talk shows, and dinners respectively. And soon enough, she was immediately given a title, VIXEN from the media.

Feng Tian smiled as she flipped through the pages of the glossy magazine in her hand,

'A domineering woman, alluring and exuding charisma– She's a force to be reckoned with.'

As she read those words, they triggered a bittersweet memory from a time when she was anything but a vixen. She recalled the days of her vulnerability, the pain of loss, and the unrelenting guilt that had once consumed her. It was a memory of a tumultuous period when her life had been shattered, leaving her with a burning desire for retribution.

Feng Tian couldn't help but smile at the stark contrast between her past and present. The woman who had been broken was now the one mending herself, emerging as a powerful force in the business world. The magazine's description echoed the transformation she had undergone.

"Vixen, I like it." Feng Tian muttered as she connected her eyes with a picture of herself on the street. She was currently on her way home and oddly enough she had noticed over the past few days that they had managed to paint the city walls with several pictures of her.

She was forced to pull away from the city view when she suddenly felt her phone ring, slowly reaching to pick it up, she replied to the person at the other end of the call with a small okay before hanging up.

"Ah Bao, take us to the Feng's mansion, we will be having dinner there." Feng Tian said before returning her attention to the view.

Within thirty minutes, they had arrived at the Feng's mansion, passing through the driveway that was lined with meticulously manicured gardens, adorned with vibrant flowers that added a splash of color to the regal estate.

The Feng's mansion's façade featured large windows adorned with exquisite curtains, it was a grand architectural marvel that stood as a testament to the family's wealth and influence. Its exterior boasted an elegant blend of classical and modern architectural elements. Tall marble columns framed the entrance, and the grand double doors, ornately carved with intricate designs, opened to a palatial foyer.

And immediately they entered the foyer, they were ushered in by Miss Zhao, the housekeeper with a smile,

"Welcome, Miss, Mr Li Wei, the chairman is waiting for you."

"Father." Feng Tian greeted as she spotted the sixty years old man whose eyes were glued to the large screen in front of him as he tightly grips the popcorn in his hands.

Feng Zhou, the patriarch of the Feng family, was a man of advanced years, yet he carried himself with a commanding presence that belied his age. He had a tall and lean figure, his posture still erect, and his silver hair exuding an air of wisdom and experience. Despite his age, his sharp, piercing eyes retained a keen, discerning gaze that seemed to miss nothing.

Dressed in a casual outfit, Feng Zhou appeared relaxed and unpretentious, an unexpected sight for the chairman of Royals Group. His attire included a simple button-down shirt and comfortable slacks, an attire that starkly contrasted with the typical business suits he wore during formal occasions.

"Oh, if it isn't the great Feng Tian, the CEO of Royals and her glorified secretary."

"Come, join me, this show is hilarious." Feng Zhou said,

"I wonder what the media will think when they find out that the chairman is sitting dressed in a casual outfit in his sitting room while watching TV shows, I'm sure they will go into a frenzy." Feng Tian teased.

"Well, if that happens, I will just tell them it was you who fired me from my job, so what did they expect me to be doing with my leisure time when I'm already this old, they can do whatever they want, I no longer have the strength to deal with their nonsense."

They were suddenly interrupted by Ms Zhao who announced that the dinner was ready to be served, immediately, Feng Zhou stood up, his bowl of popcorn long forgotten as they both made their way towards the dining room with Li Wei behind them.

The dining table was laid out with an extravagant spread, a rarity that amused Feng Zhou.

"Wow, Ms Zhao, you really outdid yourself this time, I'm the one who lives here and why haven't I ever seen the dining table filled to the brim like this?"

"I'm sorry, I just got so excited when I heard that Miss was visiting." Ms Zhao said with a smile.

The rest of the dinner consisted of Feng Zhou and Feng Tian teasing Li Wei and Ms Zhao slightly passing in her comments as she worked. After they were done, Feng Tian headed towards the balcony, smiling to herself as she listened to Miss Zhao and the chairman argue amidst themselves,

"I heard you still pass by the columbarium without visiting them. What are you? Twelve!" Feng Zhou said as he moved to stand beside Feng Tian,

"And who is the one who hasn't even visited his daughter's grave once in the last five years," Feng Tian answered,

"Well, someone has been keeping tabs on this old man."

Feng Tian chuckled lightly at his expression before they both returned to the comfortable silence,

"I still remember the day you came to see me five years ago, do you remember?" Feng Zhou breathed out,

Feng Tian smiled. How could she forget the day she made the biggest decision that changed her life, it was a week after she had woken up from her five months old induced coma, she was apparently found half-dead miles away from the company by Li Wei, who had received an emergency message from Qi Sheng but unfortunately by the time he had arrived at the resort, Feng Lin was dead, and Qi Sheng was missing, and so few days later, she ran off to the police, being her naive self believing they could find Qi Sheng and get them justice even though Li Wei had clearly warned her to stay in the safe house until she fully recuperates.

After leaving the police station, deciding to go home to her family who would have been worried sick, she immediately hurried home but before getting home she was met by the sound of a loud explosion which had apparently come from the apartment block she lived in, resulting in the loss of many lives including the remaining family she had left.

Unable to show herself, she had helplessly watched the rescue team bring out the half-burnt corpse of her little brother and her grandmother before she was finally found by Li Wei who escorted her back to the safe house.

For several days, she hid herself in a room, wallowing in guilt as the realization finally set in, then one night she suddenly came out much to Li Wei's surprise, and requested to meet with the chairman.

Throughout the journey to the cemetery, she didn't utter a word which worried Li Wei greatly. And on arriving at the cemetery, she rush over to meet the chairman who stood in front of his daughter's grave,

"Well?" Feng Zhou said without turning to face her, immediately, she fell to her knees,

"Chairman, help me get my revenge."

Slightly taken back by her statement, Feng Zhou slowly turn to face the woman kneeling before him, blankly staring at her for a moment before speaking;

"Young lady, you are not in your right mind, you should head back." he muttered.

"T-that night, she told Bai Yi Chen she was with his child." She exclaimed.

Feng Zhou shut his eyes, his fist clenching on hearing her statement, her revelation was a dagger to his heart.

"Grant me the power, let me destroy them to appease the souls of everyone they've hurt."

That night, Feng Zhou watched as the determination in her eyes blur away any sign of hesitancy. He sighed;

"Alright, from now on, Chun Huan no longer exists, you are Feng Tian, my only daughter and the heir to Royals group, remember that!"

"We should get going, it's late." Li Wei reminded, pulling her out of her reverie. Feng Tian sighed, staring back at the night sky before following Li Wei and the chairman out of the balcony.

They eventually said their goodbyes and drove out of the Feng's mansion.

"What's my schedule for tomorrow?" Feng Tian asked, breaking the peaceful silence,

"You have a meeting with the department head tomorrow, and you will also be making a visit to Royals hotel and resorts and…" lightly raising her hand to stop him, Feng Tian sighed as she slowly began to feel a slight migraine,

"Stop the car, I will walk from here." Feng Tian said, gently stepping out of the vehicle.

Immediately, Li Wei began to prepare to step out after her, wanting to talk her out of the idea, but he could even open his mouth to speak, the sudden ping in his pocket beat him to it. Sighing, Li Wei then reached for his cell phone, annoyance overtaking his features as he stares at the message flashing on the phone screen for a moment before quickly shooting back a text to the sender while he watched Feng Tian disappear into the corner.

Deciding to withhold the message till the next day, Li Wei then gestured to Ah Bao to start driving.