The first time

Feng Tian smiled as she watched Qi Yan sleep, his beautiful form shrouded in a peaceful slumber. Adjusting the cover on his body, Feng Tian sighed as her thoughts wandered back to the event of the previous night.

The moment she asked him about the proposition, he had suddenly passed out much to her surprise, fortunately, she was able to catch his large frame before he collapsed.

After several attempts, she finally succeeded in dragging him into her apartment, only to discover he was actually bleeding. Feng Tian gasped before quickly putting her brain to work. Quickly grabbing her phone, Feng Tian immediately contacted her doctor, who later arrived and attended to him before leaving Feng Tian to watch him through the night.

"He still looks so handsome when he's sleeping?" Feng Tian whispered to herself, her gaze lingering on Qi Yan's peaceful countenance as she thought back to the first time she had met him five years ago.

The first time she had met Qi Yan was on the day fate had decided to play with her by sending misfortune in the guise of a blessing to her, a day that should have never been celebrated.

She had suddenly received an acceptance call from YM entertainment, one of the subsidiary companies owned by the Wangs. Deciding to celebrate, she, Jiayi and her young brother had gone to the amusement park.

She had patiently stood by the bridge, waiting for her younger brother who had managed to coerce Jiayi to follow him to the pop candy stall after she had refused to go with him. Just as she was about to go join them, her attention was captured by a striking figure, a man who appeared to have stepped out of a painting.

Standing in front of her was a tall and commanding figure among the colorful chaos of the crowd. Qi Yan exuded an air of effortless confidence and an enigmatic allure. His tall frame seemed to have been sculpted with precision, and his dark, expressive eyes held a captivating depth that drew her in.

Qi Yan had been a vision of rugged handsomeness. His disheveled hair gave him an intriguing air of nonchalance, and his strong jawline and sharp features were softened by an enigmatic smile. The way he carried himself had an undeniable magnetism, as though he held a secret that intrigued and beguiled anyone who encountered him.

But her ogling session was later short-lived when an unknown female suddenly rushes towards him, grabbing him by the arm and then pull him into a passionate kiss.

Feeling her cheeks heat up, she had immediately turned to face the other direction as she cursed herself for drooling over another woman's boyfriend when suddenly she heard a deep and husky voice behind her.


Turning slowly, she was met with a captivating smile that threatened to steal her voice.

"Excuse me, could you please take a picture of us?" he had politely said, slowly handing out his phone to her while pointing to the female behind him. Finding herself tongue-tied, she had nodded slowly before nervously taking the phone from him. After taking a few pictures, she had immediately handed him his cell phone before dashing off.

Smiling at the memory, Feng Tian rose from her chair, feeling a hand gently grasp her from behind. She gasped in surprise and turned around to find Qi Yan gazing at her, now wide awake.

"You are awake," Feng Tian whispered as she slowly moved to help him up, her eyes landing on their joined hands,

"What happened?" Qi Yan inquired, he had remembered feeling dizzy the moment he heard her speak,

"You passed out, because of the injury." Feng Tian said, gesturing towards his bandaged shoulder, causing him to groan as the pain slowly made itself known.

"Miss Feng, why did you ask for my protection?" Qi Yan questioned, reflecting on his motivation for coming to her in the first place. Following his departure from the barn, he had been haunted by the enigma of Feng Tian's request. Sui An's cryptic remarks had left him pondering if there was more to Feng Tian than met the eye. Even though there was no way she could have known she was being monitored by Sui An, he couldn't help but wonder if she held secrets. Determined to unravel the mystery, he had decided to keep an eye on her, and if she possessed any information about his brother's whereabouts, as Sui An had suggested, he was resolved to discover it at any cost.

"Because I felt like it," Feng Tian answered as she watches him slowly loosen his grip on her.

"Your first proposition... I accept." He declared.

"Good to know, Detective Qi, you should rest a bit more," Feng Tian calmly advised before stepping out of the room.

Feng Tian stood in front of the door in silence, wondering why she felt somehow about their conversation; suddenly, she heard the door to the apartment open causing her to immediately shift her attention towards it,

"Good morning," Li Wei said, his voice laced with sarcasm causing Feng Tian to scowl at him before heading towards her office.

"What do you have for me?" Feng Tian asked, as Li Wei closed the door behind them.

"After you left yesterday, I received a message," Li Wei said before dropping a parcel on the table,

"It's a list of the paper company, Wang Hai has been using to sulk in money," Li Wei said causing Feng Tian to raise her brows as she unfolds the parcel,

"He found it at the abandoned barn in the city outskirts where Sui An was hiding, but unfortunately, he lost Sui An due to an unexpected accident that happened," Li Wei explained. "Qi Yan was there too."

"Well, that explains the injury," Feng Tian mused.

"So where is the money they are laundering going to?"

"Project Sky dome, chairman Wang had rejected the proposal four years ago before he died, I guess he must have also discovered it was flawed."

"He rejected it but Wang Hai is laundering money to push through with the project now."

Feng Tian smirked as she slowly moves towards her office window with the list in her hand,

"Our dear chairman must have died quite a horrible demise contrary to what the media reported."

"But I wonder how Wang Hai managed to pull this off?"

"Well, that's where you are wrong, Wang Hai is just a shell without brain who solves his problem stupidly, so he definitely wasn't the one behind this." Feng Tian stated. "The real brain is Bai Yi Chen who only wants power and to get that, he needs money which Wang Hai can easily generate for him.

You know what to do." Feng Tian said to Li Wei who nodded before proceeding to take his leave.

Wang Hai and Bai Yi Chen had no idea what was coming their way, after all, Feng Tian was still an underestimated player whose face has not yet been revealed, and she was planning to wait until they reveal all their cards before she makes her move.