Turning the tables

After ending her conversation with Li Wei, Feng Tian had immediately headed to her room to get ready for work; after all, it was her first official meeting with the department heads and since she didn't believe in stuff like being fashionably late, she decided it would be for the best if she arrived early.

Feng Tian sighed as her eyes landed on a dumbstruck Li Wei who gaped as he stared at Qi Yan who nodded slightly towards him before shifting his attention back to the apartment ceiling.

"You shouldn't be walking around just yet, you know." Feng Tian said.

Qi Yan felt his heart skip a beat the moment his eyes landed on the woman before him, realizing he was probably staring like a pervert, Qi Yan immediately averted his gaze.

"I-I'm fine."

"Detective Qi, since you've accepted the assigned duty, as stated in the contract, you are to escort the CEO at all times until she says otherwise, which means you must be available at all times, you will also be immediately given access to the CCTV cameras records, and you will also receive information on the CEO's schedule from now on."

"Come on, let me drop you off," Feng Tian said before making her way out of the apartment, leaving Qi Yan no space to reject her offer.

Li Wei sighed as he watched Feng Tian leave, he was sure she knew quite well that the precinct and the company were in opposite direction, slowly shutting the door behind him, Li Wei quickly run after them.

The ride back to the precinct was exceptionally quiet, Ah Bao who has been wondering who the hot guy was since he saw him walk out of Feng Tian's apartment secretly lift his gaze towards the rearview mirror to take a peek at him before signaling to Li Wei that he was in for questioning later.

The awkward silence was eventually broken by the vibration of Li Wei's phone, his eyes narrowing to a slit as he stared at the caller's ID.

Reluctantly accepting the call, he muttered a disgruntled hello to the person at the other end of the call before turning to face Feng Tian,

"It's for you." He said before handing her the phone. Feng Tian smirked at Li Wei's expression, Charlie was the only one who will intentionally call Li Wei just to spite him.

"So tell me, how do you like Paris at this time of the season?" Feng Tian said with her hint of playfulness evident in her tone,

"Miss Feng, can I please ask when my contract with Royals entertainment ends?" Charlie groaned out from the other side of the phone,

"Why?" Feng Tian questioned.

"W-why, you are asking me why, of course, it's to terminate it!" Charlie exclaimed.

"Well, sorry to burst your bubbles, but you are going nowhere Mr. because you are mine." Feng Tian replied.

Qi Yan whose attention now seemed to be focused on Feng Tian lightly cleared his throat,

"If you have nothing better to say, I will hang up." Feng Tian said immediately hanging up before he could say otherwise.

On getting to the police station, Qi Yan had immediately gotten out of the car, slowly nodding towards Feng Tian and Li Wei before making his way towards the entrance.

Taking one last look at the station, Li Wei sighed as he thought back to the conversation he had with Qi Sheng five years ago, he had remembered how both of them had gotten really drunk that day, and how Qi Sheng couldn't stop talking about Qi Yan and how he had thought he would join the entertainment industry with his good looks after returning from his military service. Li Wei smiled, knowing Qi Sheng would be proud to know his younger brother had become a cop.

"Where are you, Qi Sheng?" Li Wei thought.

Feng Tian's arrival at the Royals Group company building was nothing short of a grand entrance.

Royals Group, a company which imposing structure stood tall in the heart of the city, a modern architectural marvel, clad in sleek glass panels and steel accents. It was a symbol of power and prestige that dominated the skyline.

As Feng Tian's car pulled up to the entrance, the glass doors automatically slid open, revealing a cavernous lobby bathed in soft, golden light. The floor was made of polished marble, reflecting the pristine white walls. A grand chandelier hung from the high ceiling, casting a warm glow over the room. The company's logo, a stylized crown, was displayed prominently on a massive screen that stretched from floor to ceiling, greeting visitors and employees alike.

Well-dressed employees bustled about, moving with purpose and efficiency. Their attire was stylish, matching the company's high-end reputation. The reception area featured a massive, intricately designed Royals Group emblem, and a welcoming desk where a poised receptionist awaited, ready to assist anyone in need.

The building itself was a stunning architectural feat. Its sleek design and luxurious interiors were a testament to the company's commitment to excellence. Light flooded in through the massive glass windows, offering breathtaking views of the city below. The meeting rooms and executive offices on the upper floors were equipped with state-of-the-art technology, ensuring that Royals Group remained at the forefront of innovation.

And as Feng Tian entered, a hushed awe swept through the lobby, and employees and visitors turned to catch a glimpse of their esteemed CEO. The atmosphere was electric, and there was an unspoken reverence for Feng Tian, as if she were a living legend.

Feng Tian maintained her composure, her every step exuding confidence and authority. Her stilettos clicked against the marble floor as she approached the security checkpoint, where a diligent security team awaited to ensure her safety.

The meeting room Feng Tian was headed to was located at the first floor of the company's building and on getting to the first floor, she was immediately welcomed by an array of employees lined up with their heads bowed,

"Welcome, Miss Feng, this way."

A man dressed in a fitted black and white suit said to Feng Tian who nodded before they both entered the meeting room.

With her signature cool demeanor, she nodded at the people standing in the room, gesturing for them to take their seats before proceeding to take her seat at the head of the conference table.

"Well, should I present you a memo for this meeting to begin?" Feng Tian asked as she continued to examine the report on the table before her,

"Well… Miss Feng, the director isn't here yet," A man she recognized to be the head of the planning team suddenly said,

"Mr Zhao, I don't understand, are you saying because director Huang is not here yet, we can't start the meeting?" Feng TianFeng Tian inquired, her stern gaze landing on him.

Zhao Yujian nervously swallowed as he suddenly found it difficult to put his words together. Before Zhao Yujian could formulate a coherent response, the meeting room's door swung open.

Arrogantly walking into the meeting room, Huang Zhenjun smiled before making his way toward Feng Tian.

"I apologize for being late, Miss Feng," Huang Zhenjun said with his head slightly bowed,

"Director Huang, don't be too courteous, we were just about to stand the meeting," Feng Tian said as he watched him make his way towards his seat at the other end of the table,

"But I wonder why Director Huang was late even though you were aware of today's meeting," Feng Tian asked causing Huang Zhenjun to immediately stop in his tracks.

"I was indeed aware of the meeting but maybe because I'm getting old I keep forgetting about the important stuff nowadays, I hope Miss Feng will not hold me accountable," Huang Zhenjun said, his voice laced with hidden meaning. Feng Tian smirked and shook her head in understanding, who would have guessed that someone like Huang Zhenjun was a fan of being fashionably late, Feng Tian thought as she slowly makes her way towards him,

"Well, I guessed it will be too insensitive of me to ask you to come in and walk all the way down to the other end of the table to take your seat," Feng Tian meekly said as she slowly reached for his hands,

"Li Wei, would you be kind enough to help director Huang move his chair to the door? I'm sure it will be more convenient for him there," Feng Tian said, instantly wiping off the smirk on director Huang's face before abruptly returning to take her seat.

"Now, can someone tell me the reason I see a red dot on the chart?"