Scars with lost memory

Feng Tian's gaze remained fixed on the scar adorning Qi Yan's chest, her eyes flickering with a mixture of emotions as they traced the jagged mark. Slowly, she raised her hand toward the scar, a compelling urge to touch it. Yet, at the last moment, she hesitated and withdrew her hand, swallowing hard.

"Um, this… it's nothing, I was involved in an accident five years ago, but I don't remember much anyway." Qi Yan, who had mistaken the expression on her face for curiosity, said with a weak smile before turning his back to her.

As Qi Yan buttoned his shirt, he couldn't help but gaze at the scar. It was a constant reminder of the enigmatic night he so desperately wanted to remember. The memory was elusive, fragmented, like trying to grasp mist with his bare hands. He yearned to piece it together, to unlock the secrets buried beneath his fractured memory.