Has Huang Zhenjun really lost his touch?

Sui An scoffed as he continues to stare at Feng Tian and Qi Yan from a hidden spot outside the restaurant.

"Sui An, what are you doing here?" Sui An muttered under his breath as he slightly bends to pick up a half smoked cigarette from the ground; Slowly lifting the cigarette to his lips, he exhaled loudly.

He had actually resumed his investigation on Feng Tian since the day he heard what had been transpiring between her and Huang Zhenjun.

He had expected that by now, Huang Zhenjun would have gotten rid of her like he usually does because knowing Huang Zhenjun, he was sure he wouldn't just sit by and allow a mere woman to step on him, but seeing as nothing had happened up to this moment, Sui An then decided to take the opportunity to find a way out for himself through Huang Zhenjun by helping him dig up something on Feng Tian, he was going to exchange the information for a new life.