Because of her

The entire beach settled in a peaceful silence as Qi Yan and Feng Tian continue to stare at the ocean view in front of them, the loud crashing sounds of the wave and their soft breath being the only audible sound in the background.

Softly exhaling, Feng Tian snuggled closer to Qi Yan and smiled, at that moment, none of their worries matter, they were not bounded by their duties or not were they weary of what the future held; it was just them, two lovers sitting by the ocean, basking in each other's company. 

Eventually, after some minutes, Qi Yan shifted his eyes away from the view and broke the silence,

"I have something for you?" He muttered, watching as Feng Tian slowly lifted her head from his shoulder and turn towards him with a questioning gaze, 

"You have?" Feng Tian asked as she gently tucks a hair strand behind her ear.