The furthest he is, the safer he will be

When that time comes, would he still look at her the same way he does now?

Feng Tian scoffed, in actuality, she knew the answer to that question, but she had chosen to act otherwise.

She had always known that sooner or later, Qi Yan was bound to regain his memory, and when he realizes that she was the reason behind he and his brother's misfortune, he would resent her. Even if he doesn't, it didn't mean anything will change, it was still a fact that their time together was limited, they were two individual who should have never gotten involved with each other in the first place.

All this while, she had thought that what scared her the most was her unforgettable past, after all, she was someone who died and managed to come back to the land of the living, fear was supposed to be a useless emotion, but now she realized, she was scared of living that nightmare again, she was terrified of losing Qi Yan, the thought alone scared her to the core.