Cheng Rou Ling lied

The rest of the day went by quickly, and before Feng Tian knew it, the sun was already setting.

She had been reviewing the board meeting's report that Li Wei dropped before he suddenly left the room to attend to some calls while listening to the news, apparently, the news of the elevator incident at Royals had already gone viral all over the night.

It was amazing how much people paid attention to Royals, although, having people paying attention to them meant that all eyes were on them, watching their every move like a hawk waiting for them to slip up but sometimes, having all eyes on them mostly meant a good thing because due to how popular the news was, Royals sales have been going up at an incredibly high rate. 

This time, Feng Tian could not help but commend her employees, especially the PR team, they were the ones who turned the news into an ultimate sales-boosting weapon, instantly getting rid of the unfavorable rumors.