Confession and misunderstanding

Feng Tian almost wished for the ground to open up and swallow her whole as she snapped her eyes to the man sitting beside her upon hearing his statement.

Her, jealous! There was no way she was jealous, especially not of Cheng Rou Ling.

"W-what? J-jealous, I-It's not!" Feng Tian firmly denied as she pulled the jacket around her closer and quickly averted her gaze from his scrutinizing ones, 


Qi Yan smirked.

"I think it is."

"It's not!" Feng Tian exclaimed as she blushed profusely, "Why will I be jea..."

"I was." Qi Yan said, instantly cutting her off.

"W-what?" Feng Tian questioned as she blinked at him, "Y-you were what?" 

"I was playing the perfect son-in-law to be." Qi Yan began,


"But then… I started to miss a certain someone." Qi Yan exhaled.