Xiao Tang's visit

Eventually after spending some minutes in the bathroom, Feng Tian finally stepped out, instantly grimacing as her eyes landed on the array of flowers and gifts that littered the entire room.

Loudly exhaling, she carefully began to make her a around the pile of boxes and basket until she arrived by her bedside. And just as she was about to take her seat, Feng Tian's eyes landed on the flower bouquet lying by the right side of the bed, slowly reaching her hand towards the bouquet, a soft smile instantly appear on Feng Tian's face as she picked one of the flower and lifted it to her nose while proceeding to take her seat on the bed.

Bellis perennis, in layman terms, daisy.

Feng Tian smiled, she remembered raises being her grandmother's favorite of all flowers, back then, her grandmother would spend hours explaining how Daises hold deeper meaning compared to its humble origin and appearance.