You settle into a fine working relationship with your company, though there is not always great love lost betwixt you and every one of your comrades. So busy are you that opportunities for revelry in Port Covens have been scant these early months; but that changes when Aaron and Gitel approach you one afternoon while you are doing a spot of sketching in the gardens.

"You need to stop that and come with us," Aaron says.

"Why? Is it poisoned?" you say, flinging your charcoal away.

Gitel explains that most of the company is planning to attend a performance sponsored by the local Bardbrood, seeing as how there's no feast tonight. "There are two works being debuted, one of them by The Muse! The greatest artist in Brenton. This is not to be missed."

So enthusiastic are they, and so uneventful your own immediate plans, that you agree to come along. You sink into thought as you nip back to the longhouse to grab a few coppers.