You're open to the full range of possibilities. [+Phlegm]

Aitoko is teaching Moargen how to juggle as you and the tumblers walk up to meet them. Millicent has forged ahead in impatience, sighing heavily on the other side of the palace gates. Moargen happily passes off the beanbags to you as you and the illusionist, by silent agreement, attempt a bit of tandem juggling whilst you walk.

"Your first time attending a Bardbrood event, is it?" Moargen says, ducking as one of your throws goes wide.

"Aye, for all intents and purposes." You fumble a catch and place the bag on your foot before launching it up to continue the exercise. "There was this mad affair I saw on the road to the Duchy, where a pair were pretending to be His Grace the Duke's lackeys, recruiting for the company, and this firebrand Gwendell was placed within the audience—"

Now it's Aitoko's turn to drop a catch. You break off as you realize your company-mates are all staring at you.

"You've met Gwendell?" says Moargen, eyes wide.

"Yes…" You give a bit of a scoff, uncertain what all the looks might mean. "She styled herself 'The Princess of the Bardbrood.' Imagine!"

Gitel puts an arm around your shoulders. "Bandochel…do you recall I said there were two works to be debuted tonight?"

Onward To The Amphitheater