
"Am I dreaming?" asked Kaizen. 

He looked up and gazed at her face, his adoring look made her catch her breath. He was so painstakingly handsome, with a masculine beauty that deeply affected her. It made part of her want to hug him and the other half run away hoping and praying that he would not follow.

Kaizen widened his eyes at Zyra, which to her made his lavender eyes seem bigger and much brighter somehow, his long hair had been bluntly cut with what she assumed was a dull knife but it did not in any way diminish his looks.

In fact it just made him look more appealing by letting his prominent facial features stand out more without all that long pale hair to distract. The shorter hair made him seem older and more mature than his current age. 

"I can pinch you if you want."

"Nope, I'm good."