Ms.gobin is taking an early morning walk down her neighborhood, she stops by a nearby house and whistles near the window. Lana opens the front door looks around and walks down the steps to meet Ms. Gobin at the side of the house.

"Hey what you brought for me today?" Lana whispers as she looks at her backpack on her back. "I brought something just for you but I need to know something in exchange" Ms. Gobin bends down to her level and whispers. "What is your fathers name?"

Lana smiles at the easy question and quickly answers, so she can receive her gift, "it's Dave of course, that was so easy" she puts her hand out for her gift impatiently tapping her foot. "Not just yet i have one more question" ms. gobin says smiling at her while taking off her bag from her back.

"Do you know your fathers' close friend named Carl?" Lana watches her with a mischievous smile. "My father does not have a friend named Carl, are you trying to trick me" she says folding her arms. Ms. gobin takes a huge lollipop from her bag and gives it to Lana, "you know I can't eat that" she says watching it with disgust. "It's not what you think, just bite into it" she says while holding the lollipop out for Lana to take it.

Lana follows what Ms. Gobin says and bites into it, dripping from her mouth is a long stream of blood while flesh hangs from her lips. "Mmm, this is the best one yet" Lana says while she quickly eats the lollipop. "Ask your father about Carl and let me know what he says, I'll get you a big cake as a reward" she says while walking away, leaving Lana to feast on her lollipop, She wipes her mouth clean and goes back inside.


Tia and Dave are at an art gallery admiring the different pieces that are surrounding them. Her long black dress scrapes the floor as the slit reveals her sun kissed thighs. Daves' right hand makes its way to her thin waist as they walk along the gallery.

"And here we are, this masterpiece was made by the great..." as the conductor was speaking Dave notices a painting to the side of him, he leaves tias' side and walks closer to it. It's a painting of a man being torn in half by himself. Dave begins getting flashbacks of himself watching his reflection in the pond, he quickly snaps out of it when Tia taps him on the shoulder. "Are you ok my love" she asks while leaning on his arm, he begins rubbing his eyes trying to fully get back to reality. "I'm fine, something about this painting is captivating."

Tia gestures for the conductor to make his way over to them. "Is everything ok?" he asks while looking at the both of them. " I'd like to buy that painting" Dave gestures to the painting of the ripped man. The conductor smiles and goes to take it down, "many people bypass this painting because It's weird to look at, I understand why" he says while walking away from them with the painting.

Tia turns to look at Dave with a grim expression, "If you can't control it I suggest you don't buy it" her eyes locks with his for a brief moment, "don't be worried I can handle him" Dave says with a smirk on his face. The conductor comes back with the painting wrapped up and placed in a box, he follows them outside to the car and places it in the back seat.

Tia watches the conductor as he walks away," I'm serious Dave, these days you aren't strong enough to keep him down, be careful" she says while getting in the car and taking her heels off. Dave starts the car and begins driving, "He's nothing to be worried about Tia, it's almost insulting how you doubt my strength, after all I'm the one who created this life for us didn't I?" he takes glances at her as she remains silent starring out the window.


Lana is on the living room floor with her colored pencils and sketchpad drawing, the house phone suddenly rings, but she ignores it. It rings again and this time she stands up to go answer it, "yes?" she says with a bored tone. "Lana is mommy at home?" Izzie says in a hushed voice, Lana rolls her eyes and hangs up.

She goes back to drawing and begins humming, The phone rings again and Lana sighs loudly, she once again gets up to answer it "what do you want Izzie!" she shouts into the phone with an irritated voice.

"Excuse me?" Tia says on the other side of the phone, Lana gasps in shock and immediately lowers her voice "oh my gosh mom I didn't know it was you". Tia goes silent on the other side for a brief moment, "daddy and I bought you something, but before we show you, we want you to wash up and put the dress on that I bought you yesterday, we will be there soon" Lana hangs up and rushes to her bedroom to get ready.

Tia slowly removes the phone from her ear, rage boiling in her body she turns to look at Dave, "can you tell his whore to stop calling our house" she says not taking her eyes off of him. Dave parks the car outside their house, he turns to look at Tia and holds her hands.

"No need to be insecure my dear, I'll take care of it , whatever makes you upset makes me upset ok, I'll handle it" he opens the door and walks around the car to open hers. Lana comes running outside in her puffy black princess dress and tiara. "Dad izzie called for mom again" she says as she puts her hands on her hips and stares at him. " I'll handle it, I'm sorry" he picks her up and puts her in the back seat as he hurries inside for something.

He goes into his bedroom and opens the top draw looking for another shirt to change into, he finds a black one and switches it with the white one that he has on. Looking into the mirror he tucks his shirt into his pants but realizes that his reflection is just standing there. "Oh no, not now" he whispers as he looks around in fear making sure the girls aren't inside.


Izzie is in her moms' room folding laundry on her bed, she hears knocking at the front door but continues folding thinking that her mom would answer it. The knocking continues, "mom!" she shouts trying to get her attention.

With no response she drops the top in her hand and quickly walks outside, she sees her mom sleeping on the couch then walks towards the door and opens it. On the other side of the door is Carl.

"What are you doing here?!" she holds the door halfway open ready to close it at any given moment. He puts his hand on the door and pushes it open more, "we have a lot to talk about, please hear me out" she waits for reassurance from her before he enters the house. She slowly nods, and he goes in closes the door and silently carries her to the room without waking her mother.

"I'm not sure where to start, but it's a lot" he says as he goes to sit at the edge of the bed, "how about you start with therapy and how you haven't been going" she starts putting the folded clothes away. He begins helping her with the folded clothes, "I have been going, what are you talking about?, I saw Aaron yesterday".

"Don't lie to me Carl, I literally called Aaron yesterday, and he said you have been missing sessions" she snatches the clothes from him and puts them away. He stops her from picking up more clothes and sits her down on the bed, "please just listen to me, I have been going to therapy, I've learned a lot, he even gave me a book" izze shakes her head in doubt "then why would he say that you have not been there?"

Carl thinks back to his recent sessions he had with Aaron, he remembers when Aaron got scared at the end of one of the sessions while pointing behind him, then the session where he gave him a book, but he can't find it. "Iz, I think I know what's happening"

He stares at her surprised, she looks at him anxiously awaiting his conclusion. "I can't explain everything to you now because I'll sound crazy but just trust me, I need some time alone to deal with this ok". Before she can say or do anything he hugs her tightly and exists the room and the house, her mom immediately raises up from laying on the couch and locks the door. She then goes into the room and looks outside from her window, "mom what are you doing?" she turns to her and whispers "Izzie that's not Carl".