Dave is sitting in his parked car outside of his house, reading the book that aaron gave him. He turns the page and a tiny envelope with the letter L stamped on it falls out.

Quickly opening it he takes the folded paper out and on it is written "Layna" , he looks at it a bit longer trying to put the pieces together but fails. "Why would he put this here" he says to himself while pulling his phone from his pocket to call aaron.

Before starting the call, another call comes in it's izzie, first he does not answer but then suddenly his eyes close and his shoulders relax. Taking slow breaths he opens his eyes and dials izzies' number.

"Carl?" she answers almost immediately, "sorry that i missed your call, i was a bit busy" he says while coming out of the car. "that's okay, i know you said that you needed time but..." his eyes opened wide as she goes on about what they spoke about at her mothers' house.

"Sorry that im cutting you off but you said i requested time apart?" he said internally panicking. "uhh....yes you said you knew what to do and that you need some time", carl remains silent on the phone then hangs up.

A knocking on the glass makes his body grow tense, he turns to see that it's ms. gobin. Taking a deep breath he puts the car glass down, "what?", she searches his eyes and her smile drops. "Can you take me to the cabin on bane street? i'm really tired and at my age it's really hard to walk."

He sighs and nods his head, she enters the back seat and remains silent for the rest of the drive. The car slows down by an area filled with tall grass and a small cabin decorated nicely from the outside. Ms. gobin quickly takes a syringe from her bag and sticks it into his neck.

Carl slowly opens his eyes looking at his surroundings, he tries to get up but can't because of the ropes that are tightly tied around his arms and legs bounding him to a metal pole. He panicks and starts vigorously moving his arms trying to escape. "Don't waste your energy" he hears a familiar voice coming from a far corner of the room.

Who he sees makes him scream out of fear without thinking. Dave rushes up to him and covers his mouth, he hears the door opening and leaves carl to go into the other room.


"I'm telling you, I've seen this behavior before" Izzie's mom tells her as she paces around the garden in the backyard. "Mom i don't think its as deep as you're making it seem" izzie stops on the little bridge thinking of what her mother said.

"The reason why i recommended aaron to carl is different to what i told you, i didn't want to scare you" she says to izzie as she walks up to her on the bridge. "Why would you lie to me about something like that?!" she says in disbelief, her mom walks away from her and sits on the bench underneath the tree.

Izzie follows her and stands directly infront of her "mom what aren't you telling me?". She looks up at izzie and motions for her to sit beside her, "I've been noticing alot of similarities in carl ,that i've seen in you when you were little but it's more intense with....."

Her mothers' voice fades away as the backyard turns into a dark room where izzie is seeing her younger self on the bed, writing in her diary. Her voice echoes in the silcence "Dear layna, today was fun, thanks for playing along with me ill introduce you to my mom soon, she would love you." As she looks around the room, there are drawings with two girls all over the walls.

"Izzie?" her mom waves her hand infront of her face, she quickly snaps out of her trance and gets up to go inside. She watches as izzie walks away and runs her hands through her hair, frustrated with herself for triggering her.


Tia walks through the door and sees Carl on the floor with his head bend downwards. "It wasn't my intention to have you like this my love" she walks up to him and stoops down, she puts a finger under his chin and raises his head.

Carl looks tired, he looks at her through slightly opened eyes. "What do you want from me" he says barely getting his words out. "Bold of you to think that i will ever want anything from you" she stands to her feet pulls out her phone puts it to her ear and walks to the bedroom.

Dave comes out of the bathroom and gestures to him to stay quiet, he then sits down infront of him with his back facing him then slides back, entering into his body. Carls' body grows tense and his eyes roll back into his head, he then opens them releasing a cold expression to his face.

Tia walks back in and stoops back down infront of him, "as i was saying....." dave interrupts her by speaking louder "no you listen to me tia!, untie me before things get messy."

Taken aback she becomes speechless, starring into his eyes. "Dave?" she questions him just to make sure, "who else would it be?? why would you kidnap your own husband does that make sense?!", she quickly stands up and just stares at him.

He looks directly into her eyes "untie me", she hesitates for a moment the steps back from him. "You cant fool me carl" she folds her arms and stands her ground. "I SAID UNTIE ME! AND DON'T EVER MENTION HIS NAME AGAIN" his voice booms through the tiny cabin, causing her to immediately go to him and loosen the ropes that had him bound.

He gets up and glares at her, then walks out the cabin stopping outside the door, starring in her direction waiting for her to come along. She hurrys along and closes the door. He holds her by her neck and pushes her towards the wall, " don't try this again, there won't be any more good dave if you do, lets not repeat that day ok?", he lets go of her and walks towards her van.


Lana is at the park swinging high on the swings when she notices her mothers' van in the distance, she slows down and gets off the swing walking closer to the road.

Dave brings the car to a stop at the park and rolls down the window. "having fun princess?" he asks with a smile, she tip toes to see in the van but only gets a short glance inside. "Where is mom? isn't this her van" she walks closer but dave stops her by putting out hus hand. "Shes sleeping love, it was a long day, do you wanna come along home or you wanna stay?", she shakes her head and walks back to the swing.

She continues walking until she reaches an oak tree and sits under it, from the pocket of her shorts she pulls out three candies and lays them on the ground. A woman appears and sits next to her, she picks up the candies and eats them. "Took you long enough layna, where have you been?"


Dave walks into the living room where tia is, he sits on the couch opposite her and takes out a thick book. "You seem to be confused about carl and i, this will help you", she reaches for the book but he stops her. "If you cannot handle the truth, i advice you to not take the chance", she ignores him and takes it anyway.

He takes his car keys off the coffee table and leaves tia with the book, the cover of the book just has the letter *A* on it. She turns the first page and sees a photo of Dave with two words below it "Dear Carl."

There is a knocking at the door which startles her , she goes to open it and there is lana standing there holding a handful of sweets. "Where did you get those hunny?" tia asks filled with concern. " Dad gave me money yesterday, so i bought a jar of candies" tia looks at her even longer "but you don't eat candy, lana"

Lana walks pass her and goes into her room,she puts the jar of candy on her night stand and sits on the bed waiting for someone. Confused, tia starts overthinking the situation, she walks towards lanas' bedrook door and opens it a little. She sees her sitting talking to someone on the other side of the bed. Tia is lost for words and unsure of what her next move is, as she continues watching Daves' hands comes from behind her and gently closes the door , "you was not suppose to see that"