Aaron is sitting at the dining table with Izzies' mother, they are both having lunch and discussing Carl' situation. "He changes rapidly to the point of me not being sure who I'm giving therapy to", Aaron says, opening a bottle of champagne.

"Isn't this the same as izzies' situation?" she asks while pouring champagne into her glass. "Oh no, izzies' situation was much different, imaginary friends are quite common in children". She gets up from the dining table and walks down the hall to izzies' old room.

It's the same as it was when she was younger, she always requested that everything has to remain the same. In the last drawer of her dresser is a small black book, nyola picks it up and carries it to Aaron.

"I've kept this for a long time, wasn't sure whether I should show you or not" she hands it to him and returns to her seat. He flips through the pages that are filled with drawings of a family and also of a little girl, there is one page that caught his eyes.

"This is fascinating, have you ever asked her about this?" he turns the book around and points at the list of names. Nyola reads it and turns the page then turns it back," Aaron this wasn't here when I found it", the two look at each other with a very concerned expression.


Ms. gobin is in a dark room at the back of the cabin, she's laying on the floor searching for food remains with her hands. She pulls her body closer to the door and bangs on it.

Lana opens it with a bowl of food in her hands, "Hungry already? But I fed you yesterday" she walks into the room, placing the bowl far away from her. Ms. gobin tries to reach it but fails because of the thick metal rings on her ankles, that are attached to the wall.

"Such a shame, I really liked you" Lana says walking around the room, "I didn't mean for it to reach that far" Ms. gobin says through heavy breaths. Lana chuckles to herself, walks up to her and grabs her hair. Ms gobin lets out a loud scream.

The door nub turns, indicating that someone is coming in. Layna is shoved out of Lana's' body and the room switches from the cabin to her bedroom. "Lana" Dave says as he walks in, "yes dad?" she sits up on the bed waiting to hear what he has to say.

Dave stops and intensely looks at her, "what were you doing, dear?" Lana panics and begins to stutter "j…just drawing" she says looking around her bed for the color pencils. He walks over to the bed and sits down, "I told you to stop speaking to her, don't let me see it happening again, ok?". Fear in her eyes, she just nods her head and continues looking for her colored pencils.


Izzie is laying on her bedroom floor looking at the ceiling in deep thought, "I don't think I can do that" she says while closing her eyes. She just lays there for a few minutes, then opens her eyes to look at tia.

" Only you know how to stop her, I've tried but of course it didn't work" Tia hands the book that Dave gave to her, over to izzie. She sits up and quickly skims through the book, stopping on one photo. "Isn't this the both of them? But how" she shows a picture of Dave and call sitting next to each other, "the only solution I came up with is that they are twins" tia says while snapping a picture of it on her phone.

Izzie gets off the floor and goes into the kitchen to pour juice for the both of them, she suddenly hears a conversation in her head "I told you not to talk to her, don't let me see it happening again ok?". She puts the two glasses of juice down and tries to gather herself from what she just heard. "Carl?" she whispers to herself as she stares at the glasses of juice.

Tia walks out into the kitchen and sees izzie talking to herself, "are you good?" she says while drinking her glass of juice. "I just heard Carl, well, I think it was him" she takes her glass of juice and drinks it, Tia slightly smiles "oh you aren't accustom to hearing them? I hear them all the time and I know who is who" she takes another gulp of her juice and walks off. Izzie rushes from her seat to stop her "wait, teach me"


Carl is at the river bank at his mother's old house just sitting deep in thought, he takes a key out of his pocket and stands up to look into the river. He notices that his reflection isn't there and hurries towards the shovel leaning against the house.

Dragging the shovel towards the tree that sits near the river bank, he begins to dig deep into the earth until the shovel hits a solid object. Bending down to dig up whatever that was, he finally gets it and carefully guides it out.

The box in his hand confuses him, but he remembers it from seeing Dave burying it ten years back. Taking the key, he tries opening the box but noises in the water distracts him, he spins around and sees nothing, so he continues to open it.

A lady, with bright red hair and short limbs, emerges from the water and sits by the river bank watching him. Her hair is sticking to her face, but her dark eyes are fixated on him.

"My love?" she says softly, Carl turns in her direction and is made speechless from her beauty. "Layna, i thought you were never coming back" he says with tears welling up in his eyes. She smiles at him and says, "It was not intentional, Dave is the reason I left, you know that"

"Dave? But you two got along just fine" he slowly walks up to her holding the box, she takes it from him and opens it with the key. "It's just my necklace" she says while putting it on" Carl stops her and looks at the necklace as though he has seen it before.

"Don't think too hard, you bought it for me ten years ago, you said I looked good with roses cringy right", he smiles and lets go of the necklace. Behind him is Dave who is glaring at her. She raises her hand and pulls it back, causing Dave to be sucked back into carls' body.

"He always interrupts" she rolls her eyes and continues putting on the necklace, breaking off the metal petal from it, she gives it to him. Confused he just takes it from her, "It's for protection silly, just keep it on you at all times" she then walks back into the river and disappears.

Dave walks out of Carls' body and kicks him into the water "SO YOU'RE Going to TAKE HER FROM ME TO HUH" he shouts as he takes the shovel and walks towards him.


"Are you sure you want to go through this again?" Aaron says as he takes out his notepad and pen waiting on Izzies' response. She keeps looking at the book that tia gave her, "Izzie?" Aaron taps the book to get her attention.

She looks up at him then puts the book on the table, "I don't want to but if this is needed to get Carl back, then I guess ill have to" she says while laying back on the couch. Aaron drags a crystal like cloth over her.

"Repeat after me" he says while looking down at her, "layna romance me" Izzie repeats it and immediately ends up in front of layna. Layna is wearing a long white dress with crystals almost covering it all, her red hair drapes down her shoulders and her eyes are filled with tears.

"So we meet again" she says while wiping her tears away, Izzie just looks at her in awe as she holds her both hands. "What happened to you?" Layna walks away from her and sits on the dark floor, "remember that promise we made?, I broke it and I've been like this since the last time we spoke" she breaks down in tears as she tries to explain what happened.

Izzie goes up to her and wipes her tears, "It's okay, you don't have to explain anything now, that's not what I came for" she takes the book that tia gave her out of her bag and shows it to her. Layna opens it and Tia is sent back on the couch under the crystal cloth. Aaron uncovers her to get information, but is surprised by the tears that are streaming down her face.

Izzie opens her eyes and tries to speak but can't, she rushes over to his table and takes the pen to write something in his notepad, *she's broke the promise!*.