
Finally, it's morning!

As I stretched my body and yawned at the same time, I was really looking forward to Princess's Sh*t, but to my surprise. There is none.

I checked the bathroom but still no poop. I checked under the chairs and table but there was no sign of it, nor smell of it.

It's weird. I look at Princess who's sleeping cutely and peacefully, she is so small.

I just let it be, besides I more like it. At least I don't need to clean it today, it's like a day off, HAHAHAHAHA.

I went to the bathroom and took a shower. When I finished,

I prepare my things and my food for me to have energy for the devilish lesson. I think we have an exam today, so while I'm eating, I quickly grab my first subject notebook and read my notes.

But I suddenly remembered, taking notes is not my thing.

Great, totally great.

I will surely have a very nice, good future, with my grades failing HAHAHAHAHA.

I put my notebook back in my bag and I put away the plate and glass that I ate from and even before I put on my shoes, I decided to kiss Princess on her little headfirst and then I got ready to leave.

As I walked through the gate, I saw my mailbox with an invitation on it.

The color is red, and it was really classy. When I opened it, I was shocked.

It's them again. The Sakirasha family invited me to their fancy dinner. I wanted to decline.

But I was a little interested in this, I mean their company.

The invitation says.

"The Sakirasha Family is inviting you to dinner in their mansion.

Madam and Boss, along with their son Denmark, are waiting for you at dinner, Sir Aoi.

The Family Sakirasha is having a meeting with Family Masiharaya.

The daughter of the Masiharaya Family wishes for you to come, too.

The meeting starts at 3pm in the afternoon.

At the mansion of Family Sakirasha."

That is why I am interested, not because they are waiting, it is because of the other family.

Why? The daughter of that family is waiting for me? Hahaha. That is rare news.

A girl waiting for me? Cool.

I continued walking and taking my classes seriously today. Yes, my man. Just today.

As I was about to sit down, Gwen stopped me and spoke.

"Yow, how is your birthday?"

I just stared at her with my 'meh' face and said nothing.

I am about to let her leave, when I suddenly remember that taking notes is her thing.

I grabbed her hand and asked for notes and that Sh*t again.

"Yuck, don't touch me" she said as she wiped her hand with wipes and threw the wipes at me, great.

"Just give me your notes, okay?"

"Yeah, okay, but you don't need to touch me you know." She said while she added "ugh", meaning she was really disgusted.

I don't know why she hates someone touching her, but it's weird.

She is not a neat freak nor a snob and the daughter of a billionaire.

She handed me the note. No.

Notes, so many.

I just sigh because of laziness; how can I finish this in just.

I look at my ph9ne to see the time, and. WOW.

I only have 15 minutes more to finish reviewing.

I just took the important part of the topic and returned the notebook to Gwen.

The teacher is right on time. When I sit down, the teacher announces that there is no break time, but the time for us to leave school is 12 pm.

That makes me stay here for only 5 hours.

Our time starts at 8 am, and our lunch is at 11 noon.

Our time leaving school is normally 3 or 4 days , depending on the top teacher.

Right now, since it's only an exam, they decided to let us go home earlier than I expected.

When the exam starts, I pray that the exam is not that difficult, especially if our first exam is math. I want to cry.

They started giving out the paper one by one, when I got mine.

I immediately flipped it, so I wouldn't see the numbers.

When the teacher said "Start!" energetically, I flipped my paper and closed my eyes.

"Please don't be difficult" I whispered.

And when I looked at it, Huu, yes.

It's not that difficult, it's easy.

I quickly answered the questions because I knew it all. I am certainly sure that I am 45 or 40 over 50 in gen math.

But so, I thought.

When I flip the other page of the paper, I just can't anymore.

I sigh and just lean on my chair like I have worked for over 24 hours, nonstop.

What the f*ck is this exam? It's just the third grade.

This is surely hell; Gwen is behind me, so I don't have a chance to ask her questions.

The last exam is easy, because Gwen is beside me.

But now, she is behind me, not cool.

So not cool.

As the time was over, I was so unsure of my answers, I just sighed again and just dropped my head on the table at my seat.

There are four more subjects. I can't wait to go home.

As I wanted and wanted to go home, the invitation suddenly knocks on my head saying,

'Hey, you need to come here first before resting.'

What a day. I just encountered a huge Sh*t on my birthday.

and it was especially just yesterday and now this invitation is bugging me.

Exam, invitation and wanting to rest are all mixed up in my head.

When will my problems come and let me rest?

I sigh as I wait for the next paper and get ready to fail.

When Gwen taps my shoulder and sighs, No, I mean she sighs out loud.


"What?" She copied me with her poker face, trying to annoy me more.


"mm" she keeps copying me, Haha.

Really it is so different to the other girls, huh? Okay.


"I" Gwen copied

"Love you" She looked at me with a serious face and just stared at me for a minute, then answered.

"You wish, dumb ass." she said as she walked away with that red cheek of hers.

She really does that every time we are joking.

It's really rare to see a person with a red cheek.

Gwen Zendaya's POV

"Love you" he said.

I just look at him with my serious face and stare at him, he is looking at me in the same way.

I didn't know what to say, so I just said the words that I'm saying every time he jokes like that.

"You wish, dumb ass" I said as I walked away. I went to the bathroom and touched my cheeks.

'Oh god, so embarrassing.' I said it in my head.

That is real. I mean, it is always so intense when he's joking like that and staring at me like that.

I don't like him, yes.

but maybe I am?

Wahah nah, imposisi.

I blush again.

Oh, my G, I want to scream.


Aoi's POV

Why is she not here yet? The teacher is.

Before I finish, I look at the blackboard as I see my teacher holding an eraser, and ready to throw it to me.

I just sat still and just looked down.

The teacher started to give us the papers and told us to start answering.

Gwen is not here yet, but I am sure that she can make an excuse.

She always does.

Time passes by and the exam is nearly finished, still.

Gwen is not here.

I was starting to get worried, and when the next teacher arrived, she told us that our classmate Gwen was sick and was going home early.

Oh, good. Hope she's okay.

Time passes by. The time right now is 11:30.

30 more minutes and we are almost finished. Well.

I finished my test and passed it to the teacher. It was still 11:45 and I decided to go home.

Since they told us, 'If you are finished, pass your paper here and go home.' So I did.

I bought soup for Gwen, the soup she likes.

When I was walking, I was hoping to see her and ask if she was okay.

But when I get there, her mother is the one who greets me, not her.

This is rare to see when she has a fever. No parents are with her.

But now she is with her mom. It's nice because,, she is finally with someone. Now she is finally here, but I am kind of really worried.

Because the fact that she is with her mom means she is really sick.

"Is Gwen okay?" I asked.

"Yes, she is. She is now taking a rest. I will give this to her, thank you". Her mother answered me gently and her mother's voice was low, unlike hers.

I went home and rested for 1 hour, when I finally took a break,

I said goodbye to Princess and went to a mall to buy a decent T-shirt and shoes, also perfume and everything.

I can't go there wearing Sh*ts. Besides, it is a meeting between a successful company.

I am more curious about the daughter of Family Masiraya. Why does she want to see me there?

When I looked at my phone it was already 2, so I decided to go to the mansion early.

I don't want to go there late, it's not like I am from a richer family than them.

As I am waiting for the taxi, people can't stop looking at me because of what I am wearing right now.

I can't blame them, they are all expensive and original.

When I got to the taxi, I told the driver to drive me to the Sakirasha Family Mansion. At first, he didn't want to believe in me.

But when I gave him 20 bucks just to get there fast, he stopped looking at me like 'is he joking?', and he started to drive.

When I got to the mansion, the butler was waiting for me there and escorted me to the dining room.

"Please sir, eat."

"Don't talk to me like that, please?"

"You are always like this, Aoi," he said and sighed.

I ate a little and asked him to escort me to the meeting room.

When I got there, my mom and dad were there, and also Denmark.

The other family is rather late for occasions like this.

I sit and wait like they are doing.

The atmosphere here is rather not.

While we were waiting, the door opened and, at that moment, we saw this elegant dress and a beautiful daughter.

But that girl was wearing a mask, so I couldn't recognize her.

Well, as if I know someone who's rich.

They sit there, quietly and do nothing.

The atmosphere is still the same, dead as if.

I don't know when they are planning to speak.

I just waited and just sat there as I wondered about my exam.

'Am I going to pass or not?'.

When will this meeting start?
