I missed you!!

I stopped in the park, because I was so tired running and stopping at the same time.

I wanted to try calling Gwen and wanted to ask if she had seen Princess, but I left my phone at my house, because I was in a hurry.

I sat there as I was thinking about Princess's colorful eyes. It was so beautiful that they left me standing, and left my mouth hanging without me knowing.

I want to cry because of what's happening to me right now, especially since that, this day is my birthday.

Why do we have a birthday anyway? Are all birthdays like this? Or is it just me?

HAHAHAH my thoughts left me laughing, then suddenly I felt something on my legs. It was hairy and soft?

And when I looked at it, it was Princess! I hugged her little body and started kissing her on her little face. I even cried because of happiness.

"I finally found you!!" I said with a cheerful voice while I was lifting Princess up.

"Meow" she said with tilted head, oh my god, it was so damn cute.

I hugged her again and was about to go home, but she is resisting me, that makes me wonder why.

"Why Princess?" I asked and put her down.

"Meow" she said to me with her back turned and as if she wanted me to follow her to a place she went, so I followed her.

And when we finally reached our destination, I saw plenty of kittens that just looked like her. I was shocked, of course, but at the same time, I was just happy because I had finally found her.

Also, a lot of her.

"What do you want me to do by making me come here?"


"Haha okay, okay. I don't understand you, but I will keep them, and we will find them a family."


"What about that?" I asked and she just said meow again. I just took them and brought them to the pet center to find adopters. I did. I can see Princess saying bye to them with those teary eyes.

"You want one of them?"

"Meow" she said as she shook her head, saying no.

So, we just decided to go home and hell yeah, while we were walking, I saw Gwen in the distance in front of my house. I waved and picked up Princess who was in my palm.

Gwen ran to me and spoke.

"You finally found her, but where?" She asks as she tilted her head? That's new.

"I found her in the park, I was sitting there when I felt something hairy, and it was her." I was proud as I looked at Princess, rushing inside the house.

"Oh well, thank you. Gwen, for helping me to search for Princess.", I added with a smile, and waved goodbye to her as Princess and I entered the house together.

I put down the cat, and it rushed over to my room.

"What are you doing there, huh?" I said while I was chuckling.

I was about to add more words and say it to her, but before that.

I saw my room was in a big mess!

My closet was open and my one and only expensive watch was gone! Only the box was left behind!!

What the hell!



"Wha-!!" I said as my mouth hung there while looking at my messy room. I checked my piggy bank and wallet to see if they were still there.

The piggy bank is gone, but luckily. My wallet is still there.

I sigh with relief.

"Oh my god, thankfully you're still here, my baby's expensive little wallet" I said while brushing it in my face.

Princess looked at me with her confused cute face and was tilting her head because of the confusion.

It was so damn cute.

I want to make a billboard and her face on it, and I will stare at it all day long.

I want to go and play with Princess, but first I need to clean this mess.

While I was cleaning, I saw my foster family's picture with me on it where I was smiling as their hands were on my shoulders, side by side.

Oh, yeah. They are smiling too.

Hope I can smile like that again someday, without second thoughts and without faking anything.

Including being fake with myself.

While I am staring at the picture feeling sad again, of course.

princess jumped on my bed and wanted me to pet her, that made my mood change.

As I smile gently and wonder if my smile is real or not.

I just realized that my birthday hasn't ended yet, it's still evening, so that means it's not done yet.

I finished cleaning the mess in my room and decided to go outside and buy my little cake and a present for the Princess.

It's my birthday, but I want to buy Princess a present because she makes my day today.

"Okay, Princess. I will leave now; I'm going to buy a cake for myself and a present for you. Don't leave the house, okay?" She just stared at me while sitting quietly on the doorstep.

I have my wallet with me and my phone. In my wallet there is a black card. Yes baby, a black card.

But I am not using it because it is from my foster family. I just used it once for my house. That's all, nothing more.

While I was walking to the cake shop, I saw little Missy, I mean, Sheelah at the cake shop.

I walked there because that's where I was really going. When I met her, she suddenly stopped me and spoke.

"Stop, here, here's a cake for you. Happy birthday Aoi." She said and left when she finished giving me her gift of cake for my birthday.

She just leaves like that, so I didn't have a chance to say thank you and goodbye.

By the way, how does she know that my birthday is today? Is she my stalker?

HAHAHAHA meh, cannot be.

She is rich and a fine lady. She wouldn't do such things like that.

Maybe she just asked from my foster parents. Yup, I think that's it.

"Since I have a cake! I will now go to the pet shop to buy a present for my baby Princess." I said that happily while marching toward the pet shop, but I suddenly realized what I said earlier.

Baby Princess? When did I start thinking about calling Princess the word Baby?

Yeah!! And I don't like responsibilities. Why am I taking care of her!?

I stop for a minute and think.

But no, I continued walking and buying the present. I didn't need to ask why. The Princess is now a part of me, she makes my world more alive.

While I am in front of my house, I can smell a little bit stinky around, and when I go through the gate. The smell is getting stronger, it smells like a.

Okay, I get it.

A Sh*t, again.

I will leave the house clean, and I will go home to an unclean house.

I'll go to bed with my living room clean, and I'll wake up with a Sh*t on it.

Well, I just sigh and cover my nose, for my own good.

I put the cake on the table, put the present inside my bedroom and closed it, and started cleaning the mess, again.

When I finished, I started preparing the knife, fork, plates and Princess' own food, also, of course, water.

I don't have any, so I will only drink water, Hehe.

I prepare Princess' food in her bowl and so do I. Hey, mine is on the plate, not in the bowl.

Before I ate, I first gave Princess her gift, she played with it and seemed really happy.

I watched her playing with the little mouse and that little ball while eating.

I didn't know that having responsibilities was not bad at all. It will make you mad, stressed and even make you tired.

But at the same time, it can make you feel better, happy, laugh, and even make you love them.

I wonder if I will have a lover someday. Will it be like that?

HAHAHA what am I saying? Cats and humans are different, so, of course, being with a lover is harder. I guess.

Besides, I don't intend to find want someone or search for them.

When I finished eating, I put everything away and went to sleep happily.

This is my first time sleeping happily, and finally the day is over.

And tomorrow will be a new start for me.

"Time to sleep Princess." I said while looking at her playing with that rat. She seemed to like it.

"Okay, I'm going to sleep now Princess, good night, keep playing as long as you want and don't forget to eat your food." I tapped her head and kissed it gently.

"Good night my baby Princess, don't leave me again. I missed you", I said in a low voice, and went to my room to sleep.