Insect Commander

[You have devoured a war insect soldier corpse, body size +0.1cm, and your speed has slightly improved.]

Seeing the system hint, Ning Shi was overjoyed but also very confused.

"The captain had grown about 1cm after devouring two war insects, so why did I only grow 0.1cm after devouring one insect?"

[Devour will allow the body of the war insect to grow. The smaller the growth, the stronger the foundation.]

After getting the system's answer, Ning Shi no longer hesitated and used Devour on all the war insect corpses on the ground.

[You have devoured a war insect soldier corpse, body size +0.1cm, and your defense has slightly improved.]

[You have devoured a war insect soldier corpse, body size +0.1cm, and your Spiritual Power has slightly improved.]


[You have devoured 20 war insect soldier corpses. Your skill, Devour, has been upgraded to Tier 2.]