
After getting Ou Jianjun's approval, Ning Shi went all the way without any obstacles. After passing through the third row of city walls and the dense fortifications, he saw the boundary of the insect world.

No longer hesitating, Ning Shi leaped and entered the insect world in a flash.

After entering the insect world, he turned into a war insect in mid-air.

Because he did not understand the situation in the insect world, Ning Shi chose to fly in the opposite direction to the world boundary.

After flying for a while, Ning Shi found that the energy response in the insect world was obviously more active, and the natural environment was better than that of the World of Moen.

Looking down from the sky, there were trees hundreds of meters tall, endless mountain ranges, and wide and turbulent rivers.

Ning Shi rose to an altitude of ten thousand meters and flew rapidly in the air.