The Insect Internet

After receiving this information, Ning Shi immediately flew to the base of the guardian spirit insect hatchery.

He saw the first insect commander of the guardian spirit insect race.

Its appearance was similar to the war insect, with a sharp spike several meters long on its head. However, compared to the war insect, its body was thicker.

The insect commander's experience was legendary. It was not a general produced by the hatchery, but a lieutenant.

It had parasitized the body of a war insect lieutenant, seizing all of the war insect lieutenant's physical talents, then absorbing the war insect lieutenant's soul and optimizing the weakness of the war insect's spiritual power.

From then on, it became extremely strong, and slowly became a general from a lieutenant, and finally the guardian spirit insect commander.

Upon seeing the insect commander, Ning Shi used the Eye of Truth.