Becoming the Insect Commander

After comprehending the brainwave network of the insect commander, Ning Shi understood why the general's genetic information contained the distribution of the war insect tribe across the Insect Continent.

It was probably the information that the insect commander had obtained from the brainwave network.

The war insect commander of the Black Hole Branch had been staying in the Level 4 Life Pool all this time. It probably had not just been sleeping.

Perhaps it was a teenager addicted to the internet.

Ning Shi didn't think too much about it and directly activated his summoning skill, summoning Ilya over.

This time, Ilya wasn't taking a bath in a bathtub. She was wearing a formal suit. When she saw Ning Shi, a bright smile appeared on her face.

"Ning Shi, did you miss me? I was giving a lesson to the students at school. Being a teacher is really interesting. Seeing the students slowly becoming stronger under my guidance makes me feel fuzzy inside."