One Punch a Person (Part 2)

When the drawing of lots ended, Ning Shi had already arranged the order of the participants. Luo Yao was first, Jiang Bichao second, and Zong Shangren third.

As for Miao Xinyue, because she was already over 18 years old, she was destined not to be selected for the national team. Therefore, she was only here to accumulate actual combat experience in this competition, and the order of her appearance would be later.

Seeing Ning Shi's arrangement, although Jiang Bichao and Zong Shangren did not say anything, they were a little unhappy. After all, they had been cultivating hard for so long and had endured the pain and torture of the extreme body forging method. Everyone wanted to go on stage to compete.

With Luo Yao's strength, Jiang Bichao and Zong Shangren probably wouldn't have had a chance to fight if she were to fight.