One Punch a Person (Part 3)

Luan Limei had also learned of this news and knew how powerful Ning Shi was. She just simply believed in Ning Shi.

Mou Zhenjiang was even more direct. He was good friends with Duan Qixun and knew about Luo Yao's terrifying combat power. However, he couldn't betray his good friend in front of so many people, so he went along with Luan Limei's words.

"That's right. Principal Ning Shi himself is a genius. He's a person who's good at creating miracles."

The two people's wave of flattery directly raised Ning Shi's prestige by another wave. Everyone also started to be curious about just how strong Ning Shi was.

At this time, the two players were ready. The referee gave the order and the match officially began!

Huang Jian immediately began to explain the movements of the two sides.

"The match has started. Luo Yao's movements are extremely fast, and she executed a collapsing fist that was so fast that you couldn't even see her shadow! Uh..."