De Shun Prince's Mansion's Big Deal, Chen Family Discovers Spiritual Fields

There were many rules for gifting gifts for a banquet like the promotion Banquet, which was held because of a major event.

It was impossible to present the gifts according to the order of sitting in front and back like Wang Shuo's coming-of-age ceremony.

For example, the Chen family's promotion banquet this time, the order of the gifts was strictly calculated.

Merely calculating the order of the gifts had made the Second Elder busy for an entire month.

The final result also made the families who participated in the promotion banquet very satisfied.

First, the gifts were divided into three batches. The first batch was the gifts from the ninth-rank aristocratic families.

Then, according to the order of strength, the first person who was almost in the middle would present the gift, and the rest would present the gift according to the order of strength from weak to strong.