De Shun Prince's Mansion's Big Deal, Chen Family Discovers Spiritual Fields

"Zhihe?" "Master Meng, is there anything special about this paper crane?" Sun Tianke asked in confusion. I heard from Young Sect Master Wang that it's the Demon Venerable's egg."

" Master Sun doesn't know that if it's just the Demon Lord's egg, I wouldn't have lost my composure like this."

Master Meng took a deep breath and slowly said,""The paper crane is just like its name. It looks no different from a crane folded from paper by a child."

"Of course, just its appearance isn't much. The main thing is that its ability is extremely terrifying."

"Zhihe's original yao art is strange parasitism, it uses a feather on its body to parasitize a martial artist.

The wings would continue to devour the martial artist's spiritual energy and flesh before finally breaking out of the shell and obeying Zhihe's orders."

"A Demon Venerable Zhihe can completely parasitize a Core Formation realm expert and silently assassinate a Core Formation realm expert."